Having Fun Wherever We Go


Welcome to our channel, We will be posting videos of our travels. This will be kind of a diary or remember log of the places we go and the fun things that we see and do. Some of our videos will be pictures set to music. Others will be talking about the places that we are at and the adventure along the way. Please feel free to join us on our journey by clicking on the subscribe button and commenting on what you like and don't like about our videos. Thanks for watching!

The how to vlog and entertainment channel from wherever we are in the world

1 Follower

A channel that pulls together all the issues we deal with on a daily basis. Do we get political? YES. But we try to see things from all sides. Weather its traveling across the US or to our beloved Sakartvelo, reviewing hotel brands, finding hidden treasure in everyday things, refurbishing our old property or enjoying a great meal, then welcome to the channel that explains what it means when we say, "you've been fooflemoofleed!"