Minor Defense Force


Minor Defense Force is a “for-entertainment” media business featuring social media delivered, documentary-style videos of real people, in real situations. We focus primarily on the discovering, conversing and “meeting” with adults who engage in predatory behavior towards children. We define this behavior as “adults pursuing children for the expressed purpose of engaging in illegal sexual acts, illegal transporting, solicitation for illegal purposes and the pursuit of pornography featuring minors.” The people featured in our content are real people, having real conversations and the footage depicts true events. Each word, picture, video, call and ultimately “meeting” is recorded and then handed over to the appropriate authorities. For business or sponsorship inquiries please reach out to media@minordefenseforce.com

The Cure for Chronic Disease


These videos detail my research that I conduct on chronic disease and the cures. My work over the past 15 years has shown that all chronic disease is caused by mineral deficiencies due to heavy metal toxicity, a poor diet including bad fats and parasitic overload including candida, viruses and pathogenic bacteria. This channel will be your go to source for information on all information on heavy metals and real cures for chronic disease. See my website for more information on my podcasts, articles, books and links to news about organic aquaculture.

In Defense of American Liberty Podcast


It is absolutely necessary that American Patriots, of the U.S. Constitution, stand up now, and engage in profound preparation to be fully equipped to meet their threats and violent actions against the American Liberty. There can be no political correctness, in the face of national betrayal and treason, by the Democrat-Socialist enemies of Liberty. Join Dr. Steven Clark Bradley and Wyatt Messer as Patriots of Liberty, in Defense of American Liberty. Join Us Every Sunday at 6:00 pm Central