Citizen News Punditry since November 4th, 2020. These news punditry shows are done by Ash and began after the November 4th, 2020 election. It was his attempt to show others in the future and during his time, that some people stood up during this time and fought for their freedom and that of the world, when our leaders turned on us and tried to implement their "New World Order". Know that some stood tall while others misinformed and profited from these times. Some simply searched for the truth. In a time of lies. All opinions are my own. ***Please share any parts of any videos you want, I claim no copyright, all videos are public use. Thank you friends. I am on UgeTube here: https://ugetube.com/@Theater%20of%20the%20Absurd I will go on with this work as long as I can. Hopefully until mass arrests happen. Update November 11th, 2024: Donald Trump has won the 2024 election. This channel will continue to monitor the news and report on factual events that continue to happen in Trump's second term. Thank you. Ash

We Are America


We are America is all about the real America and not the America the liberals wants the world to see, we are proud and love our country. Some of us are fat and others are skinny, some of us are black and some of us are white but no matter what, we are all Americans and love our country and we as the true American People need to fight to take our country back from the traitorous liberals. We, the American people have to be the one voice that says ENOUGH! God Bless America

We tell it like it is.


Ever wonder why people are not asking the questions we are all thinking? We think people are afraid to hurt feelings, well screw your feelings! We grew up in the times where you had to grow a pair or get your ass kicked...and often. If you were raised in a house that disciplined you by counting to three...well this may offend you or even make you cry. We are VERY conservative, of you don't believe me just listen to a few shows. New Podcast every Monday, and Friday. Our Website : theuncensoredvoice.chat

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NASA's mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research. To do that, we have worked around the world -- and off it -- for more than 50 years, searching for answers to fundamental questions about our place in the universe. We're exploring space and discovering Earth. Join us for this exciting and important journey.