The Voice of Hope with John Gardner


Our Mission is to restore pride for Manufacturing in the USA and to bring positivity and awareness to the idea that we are all Privileged to be Americans. The Voice of Hope is an editorial news and opinion channel hosted by John Gardner focused on rekindling love for America and discussing concrete steps to restore the flagship of liberty. John Gardner has been in the manufacturing industry most of his life and is the founder of the Manufacture Local Movement. 🇺🇸 #MANUFACTURELOCAL #WeveGotaCountrytoSave #VoiceofHope #LoveAmerica 🇺🇸 #americanmade #madeinusa #madeinamerica #unitedwestand #godblessamerica #godblesstheusa🇺🇸 #americaproud #americathebeautiful #homeofthebrave #keepamericagreat #landofthefree

Train your BRAIN and your voice will follow

57 Followers Unlearn, unlock & uncover what your voice can REALLY do - at the only place dedicated to training you how to be your own best vocal coach - Join master vocal coach, vocal repair specialist & professional singer Kim Snyder in discovering how most of what we\'ve been taught has been disproven by science, how most vocal problems are actually caused by bad teaching & uncover what\'s really standing between you and mastering that voice for good.



The Price Hunter is a channel focused on offers and opportunities, it seeks to offer information on prices in different stores in different branches of activities, perfumery, fashion, appliances, electronics, makeup tools and everything that is at an interesting price here in the United States of America. America or wherever I am in the world, you are my guest on this quest. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel like and share so I can keep doing this work. Welcome and enjoy!

The Voice of Stolen History


Thinking for ourselves is one of the remaining luxuries we still have. We are gifted with an ability to contemplate and to think critically. We are able to analyze and draw parallels between facts. History is written by the victors. Rulers of this world have their own agendas. Doubt there will be one person out there thinking that Governments do not lie. The question is how much? Divide and Rule remains in effect. And just like that new versions of history will keep on getting created. The StolenHistory.ORG blog was created for the purposes of solving the riddle of our true historical identity.

Morty Davis: The Voice of Wisdom


With over 60 years of experience as an investment banker, entrepreneur, investment analyst, economist, and venture capitalist, Morty Davis is Wall Street and capitalism personified. The over 400 companies for which he has raised more than $3 billion over the years have created a countless number of jobs and exciting new products. Through "The Voice of Wisdom" dynamic podcast, Mr. Davis explores, analyzes and debates the most topical political, economic and social issues facing our world today. Hear the discussion Wednesday afternoons at 6:30pm EST.



*Benvenuti nel canale !!!!!! Qui parliamo di come affrontare le sfide quotidiane con intelligenza, consapevolezza e cooperazione. Il nostro obiettivo è aiutarti a prendere decisioni più sagge, ad approfondire temi di attualità e a migliorare la tua situazione economica attraverso strategie pratiche e innovative. ( ecco perche' ricerchiamo fonti dall'estero ) In ogni video, troverai consigli utili, analisi approfondite e idee per agire con consapevolezza nel mondo che cambia. Se sei alla ricerca di un modo per pensare in modo più intelligente, lavorare meglio con gli altri e crescere personalmente ed economicamente, sei nel posto giusto. Iscriviti al canale per non perdere i nostri contenuti ,commentate e dateci vostre opinioni. e condividete questo canale con i vostri amici e altre persone , aiutera' tutti a capire meglio molte cose un abraccio

The Voice of Macedonia


Welcome to The Voice of Macedonia! We are the oldest Macedonian radio program in the diaspora, and have been producing LIVE radio programming in Toronto, Canada since 1969! We are excited to announce that we have extended our Macedonian heritage program here onto YouTube so that our reach can touch the lives of Macedonians all around the world! While we continue as always to host our LIVE radio program within the Toronto, Canada area. We produce a variety of different and interesting topics on our radio program helping to connect Macedonia, and its current events with the entire world weekly! So please check back soon for those exciting programs! Thank you also to those who have donated to The Voice of Macedonia Radio! Your generosity is forever appreciated ❤️ DONATIONS LINK HERE: Please SUBSCRIBE above to help grow the channel! **Disclaimer!!! Please be advised that all programming are for Entertainment Purposes only.

Voice of the Voiceless


Voice of the voiceless defend the rights of former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction, and their families as they seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We expose the bigotry and lies perpetrated against our community and the Christian faith. Our Voices program brings visibility to a community that is frequently targeted for censorship and cultural censure because of their Christian faith but we will remain resilient and will persevere through the persecution because of Jesus Christ. #JesusTransforms #JesusSaves #WeExist #ChangedMovement #FreedomInChrist #DontCensorChristians #ExLGBTRights