The Cure for Wokeness


The goal of the channel is to eradicate wokeness. And the way to do that is to expose it, like dragging a vampire into the sun. Too many people are afraid to voice their own opinions nowadays due to fears of being cancelled. This channel is about two people: one white, one not white, exercising our right to free speech, and hopefully through our courage we can inspire you to do the same. Why did we start this channel? Because wokeness is a cancer that is destroying the very fabric of society. People don’t know how to talk to each other anymore because of how polarized everything is and if you’re like me, you probably feel like you’re always walking on eggshells. This channel is our way of fighting back and we need your help to make our voice bigger. How we fight wokeness is by bringing you up-to-date news about how the radical left is polluting our society. By bringing wokeness into the light, it cannot hide. And we will give you an endless supply of memes to show the absurdity of the radical left. AND WE NEED YOU the viewer, to smash the Rumble button and leave comments to help us push back against the woke mind virus. We need your solutions as well. Let your comments be positive suggestions as to alternative actions (peaceful actions) one can take to fight back. Lastly, just so that we are clear. Wokeness, by the admission of myself (and my co-conspirator, Brown Sugar, who is not white) includes but is not limited to: • Justifying racism as a means to fight racism • Anything involving “equity” • Systemic Racism • Identity politics • Attempts to erase or rewrite history founded upon radical leftist ideals Join us for a dose of reality and truth, and then go forth and spread the love!

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The Cure Radio ™ show and live-streamed podcast is hosted by Aimee Cabo and offers a platform of hope to anyone who has experienced domestic violence, abuse, mental illness, any trauma or is experiencing problems now in their lives. Guests of The Cure Radio ™ are knowledgeable on a variety of topics including mental illness, healing after abuse, and moving forward. This podcast is a place to find comfort, knowledge, strategies, answers, hope, and love while healing the wounds and \'affirming\' that you are not alone. Join Aimee and her professional guests on The Cure Radio ™ with Aimee Cabo podcast every Saturday at 1 PM EST as it is recorded during the live radio show.