Tales from the Grim Dark... SUBSCRIBE! JOIN THE DISCORD! https://discord.gg/R4rhBrfzam HIRE ME FOR YOUR VOICE WORK! https://www.fiverr.com/share/3ZwNKk Welcome. My name is Paul / A Vox in the Void. I am a voice actor who focuses on creating audio narrations of horror and Science Fiction. My focus thus far has been mainly on Short stories and fan fiction from the Warhammer and H.P Lovecraft Universe, and I have been fortunate to work alongside some fantastic creators in both of these properties. I am always looking for a team of dedicated writers and fan fiction creators to expand the catalog. Please get in touch. Subscribe if you like what you hear and please share my channel if you can, it would be greatly appreciated! If you feel like supporting my work please follow the link below, it is all very much appreciated https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AVOXINTHEVOID

The Voice of Hope with John Gardner


Our Mission is to restore pride for Manufacturing in the USA and to bring positivity and awareness to the idea that we are all Privileged to be Americans. The Voice of Hope is an editorial news and opinion channel hosted by John Gardner focused on rekindling love for America and discussing concrete steps to restore the flagship of liberty. John Gardner has been in the manufacturing industry most of his life and is the founder of the Manufacture Local Movement. 🇺🇸 #MANUFACTURELOCAL #WeveGotaCountrytoSave #VoiceofHope #LoveAmerica 🇺🇸 #americanmade #madeinusa #madeinamerica #unitedwestand #godblessamerica #godblesstheusa🇺🇸 #americaproud #americathebeautiful #homeofthebrave #keepamericagreat #landofthefree

Train your BRAIN and your voice will follow


TheVoiceClub.com Unlearn, unlock & uncover what your voice can REALLY do - at the only place dedicated to training you how to be your own best vocal coach - TheVoiceClub.com Join master vocal coach, vocal repair specialist & professional singer Kim Snyder in discovering how most of what we\'ve been taught has been disproven by science, how most vocal problems are actually caused by bad teaching & uncover what\'s really standing between you and mastering that voice for good.

TriFixx Thyroid


Nutraceuticals, not supplements. TriFixx™ nutraceuticals, backed by over 20 years of research at the Thyroid and Adrenal Research Institute, and developed by hormone specialist Dr. Daryl Turner; are designed to give optimal support for the thyroid, to aid customers in achieving a new definition of optimal health. Through scoring their symptoms online, for free; customers are given the opportunity to explore what they might be lacking in, and gain insight into what they may need, to gain that competitive edge that they are looking for. To see how your symptoms stack up, head to our website www.trifixx.com and score your symptoms, for free - no strings attached. Let's not aim to 'get back' to a state of health; but rather, aim to reach a state of health, higher than any state we've experienced before.



Vox helps you cut through the noise and understand what's driving events in the headlines and in our lives. Vox video is Mona Lalwani, Valerie Lapinski, Cath Spangler, Dion Lee, Joss Fong, Adam Freelander, Bridgett Henwood, Kim Mas, Coleman Lowndes, Christophe Haubursin, Sam Ellis, Ranjani Chakraborty, Liz Scheltens, Phil Edwards, Rajaa Elidrissi, Christina Thornell, Laura Bult, Ed Vega, Matt Dunne, Joey Sendaydiego, Melissa Hirsch, and Halley Brown with engagement support from Jayne A. Quan.