Ultimate Trader


Join Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=55463830 Stocks, Bitcoin, Crypto And Options Trading Technical Analysis. Live trading requires skill and discipline. All markets move based on technical key support and resistance, once you master it, you can confidently navigate ANY market whether it is Bitcoin, XRP, other Crypto, Stocks, Options, Real Estate etc...the same principals apply. The same concepts also apply if you're day trading or swing trading, only the time frames differ. We've developed a methodology from 20+ years of professionally trading options in the SPX pit (Chicago).

CANCEL LINCOLN: The Betrayal of 1776


Typically the violence that the North inflicted on the South resulting in The Civil War is justified by claims that it was done to end Slavery. But as you will learn by watching the series, this is just not true. Ask yourself, when was the last time the government was honest with you about its reasons for entering war? Were there really WMDs in Iraq? (No) Did the Gulf of Tonkin incident that justified the Vietnam War actually occur? (It didn't) Did we really not know of an impending Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor? (We did) What makes you think that the Civil War is any different? Follow me on: Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/3SgJIq54ZZ0O/ Odyssee: https://odysee.com/@vice_signal:5?r=hMkwyZNi3fs2HJ6F96QhBHqF8MWnQqnF Rumble: https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7HhXaN4jdOWvBO3lSIIXQF?si=74CvbnAlT-GdMvlVN5NYSw Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cancel-lincoln/id1611084856

Auto-Hemoterapia por Doutor Luiz Moura


Auto-hemoterapia é uma imunização com o nosso próprio sangue. É um tratamento eficaz sem efeitos colaterais que ameniza o sofrimento e pode prevenir e curar muitas enfermidades. Blog Auto-Hemoterapia por Doutor Luiz Moura: . O que é Auto-hemoterapia? . Auto-Hemoterapia. Contribuição para a Saúde. Conversa com Dr. Luiz Moura. . Dr. Luiz Moura . Breve Histórico . (i)Legalidade . Benefícios x riscos . Experiência . Argumentações a Favor x contra . Conclusão . Artigos . Publicações . Casos documentados . Relatos separados por enfermidades . Links BLOG ► http://autohemoterapia-por-doutor-luiz-moura.blogspot.com

10 Minute Stock Trader


Christopher Uhl, CMA has been recognized as a two-time Top 100 Person in Finance, the Founder & Head Trader at 10MinuteStockTrader.com as well as the Host of the Top 10 iTunes Investing Podcast The How To Trade Stocks And Options Podcast. Christopher spent over a decade in corporate finance becoming an expert in his field and is now approaching 1 million traders coached through his podcast. Christopher has spoken at many financial seminars analyzing major events and their impact on the global economy and financial markets. He can be heard by tens of thousands of listeners weekly You can find my content everywhere! Christopher M. Uhl, CMA Twitter: https://twitter.com/10minutetrading Instagram: https://instagram.com/10minutetrading LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/Christopher-uhl Facebook: https://facebook.com/10minutetrading YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/10minutestocktrader How to Trade Stocks and Options Podcast: https://www.howtotradestocksandoptionspodcast.com

Tetrad Group


Heavy Equipment and Tools are a passion of mine. I love YouTube and all the information provided by the creators. This is my way of giving back to the YouTube community. I enjoy sharing knowledge and alternative ways of doing things. When doing jobs that require special tools I try to show you how to get the job done without buying special tools for a job you may only do once or twice. I enjoy answering questions so please visit my website at www.4tetradgroup.com If you are interested in scheduling a call with me, please use this link! (I work full time, so this is the best way to make sure that I have time to dedicate to your questions.) https://tetradgroup.as.me/ Thank you so much for the support!



Welcome to Stories of Love and Betrayal and Adventure with Bella! Here, you’ll dive into thrilling stories that will make you feel the intensity of love, betrayal, and the most exciting adventures. Each video is a new journey, full of surprises and twists that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Get ready to feel, cheer, and, of course, be amazed by captivating and lively narratives. Subscribe and come live these stories with Bella!

Terapia Fênix W.X


A intenção deste canal é levar o máximo de informações possíveis, de acordo com a visão do Canalizador/Idealizador do mesmo, com o objetivo de ser uma "placa" na sua jornada rumo ao despertar da consciência de que somos mais do que aquilo o que nos dizem que somos. Nada do que é dito aqui deve ser tomado por VERDADE ABSOLUTA. Sejam questionadores e pesquisadores! Qualquer informação aqui dada que ressoar com o seu coração, acolha. Senão, descarte! ********************************* A Terapia Fênix W.X® está pautada nos conhecimentos sobre Mecânica/Física Quântica, Espiritualidade (sem vínculos dogmáticos ou religiosos), Ciência, Mediunidade, Canalizações pessoais e de terceiros, Contatos Extrafísicos e Extraterrestres além de conhecimentos e informações adquiridas através de contato mediúnico, assim como sintonizações energéticas recebidas através de inúmeras leituras, estudos, cursos, palestras e workshops que ampliaram meu campo de "trabalho de limpeza e reenergização". ✨✨✨

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Monica Xavier é uma Pesquisadora, Apaixonada pelo Uso dos óleos essências, dos óleos Vegetais e Extratos botânicos.Formada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de aromatologia – IBRA, Filiada da Associação Brasileira de Aromaterapia e Aromatologia- ABRAROMA. É adepta da terapia nutricional e ortomolecular desde 1997. Reconhecida pelo seu trabalho em Prol do rejuvenescimento natural e focado no equilíbrio hormonal através da alimentação e formulações com óleo essenciais. Fundadora da Aliv Aromaterapia. "Monica Xavier" nesse novo trabalho, se propõe a ajudar  Mulheres que buscam melhorar sua saúde, contribuindo com dicas testadas, baseadas em novos estudos de terapia nutricional e Aromatologia, através do youtube e suas redes sociais.