New California State Rising


We are a 501(c)(4) nonprofit educational organization. We are here to educate the public about the U.S. Constitution and the process of forming a new state from an existing state. By using the legal foundation and remedies provided within the Constitution of The United States, New California State is in the process of forming a new republican (NOT Republican) form of government. A government for the people, and by the people. Please join this unprecedented true grass roots movement. We are following the exact legal path West Virginia used to successfully form. We encourage all those who desire real change to show your support! For more information please look us up at

free the world


"Emory Andrew Tate III" is the son of an American chess international master and the grandson of a sharecropper from the backwoods of Georgia. His grandfather rose above Jim Crow to become an attorney in Chicago and completely changed the trajectory of his family! I have been asking myself if that story has something to do with his banning. This story is powerful to young men who don't know they can overcome adversity and make something great happen in their life and leave a legacy for their families.