TIERS Limited


TIERS Limited is a technology consulting firm that integrates strategy, design, and engineering services into a streamlined workflow designed to assist clients at every stage of the process. TIERS Limited, founded in 2019, quickly grew into a large team of like-minded professionals with a shared vision for their company. The team is enthusiastic about developing valuable products and assisting other businesses in their technological development. We have designed and built a diverse range of high-quality products from scratch over the last four years. Our experts are knowledgeable in a wide range of fields, including real estate, e-learning, healthcare, e-commerce, advertising, augmented reality, finance, the sharing economy, and many others. We are more confident than ever in our core expertise after 4 years of experience and a team of 30+ people. Leading corporations rely on us. We have completed over 50 projects for over 100+ clients. The thing we are most proud of is gaining our clients' trust.

Tiempo de la Verdad


Seguimos las pistas que nos deja Q y nos mantenemos informados. Somos un canal independiente que se sostiene por la audiencia. Es nuestro mayor deseo seguir presentando esta información, es nuestro honor y placer. Si desea apoyar ese canal, en la parte de abajo encontraras el link para patrocinarnos. Su contribución es de gran aprecio y ayuda para poder continuar en esta tarea de mantener la información de estos eventos tan vitales en nuestro tiempo y para nuestra generación. Ustedes son el motivo que nos impulsa. Muchas gracias.