21,363 FollowersOfficial Rumble Channel of Israel 'The Last Stylebender' Adesanya!
Official Rumble Channel of Israel 'The Last Stylebender' Adesanya!
日本精神を発信する『音楽外交使節団』 2012年10月、シーラ ・Eが⽴ち上げたStilettoflats Music (米国)より世界デビュー。 グラミー賞9回受賞のゴスペル界のキング、アンドレ・クラウチが 唯一プロデュースを手がけている『世界でたった一つのエンターテイメント一座 』。 ツインボーカルのマレ&クミコを中⼼に、ドラム、ベース、キーボード、サックスなどの洋楽器に、尺⼋、篠笛、和太鼓、津軽三味線などの和楽器を加えた総勢14名によって構成されている。 さらに殺陣や忍者、在米黒人ラッパーやタップダンサーなどが加わり壮⼤なステージが創り上げられる。 千古不易の日本のソウルと、HIP HOP / R&Bが融合し、GOSPELのスピリットで紡ぎ出されるマジックがここにある。 「民間音楽外交」事業として、アメリカ、台湾、アラブ首長国連邦(ドバイ)で、国際交流基金支援事業として、イスラエル、エチオピア、エリトリアで、公演を行い大好評を博す。 国内では、大和魂エデュテイメントと称してエンターテイメント(entertainment)でありながら、教育(education)として機能するLIVEイベント「BRIDGE」をプロデュース。 各回ごとのテーマに沿って、HEAVENESEの音楽と、まるで『講談師』のようだと評される座長マレのドキュメンタリー・トーク、そしてコントやスキットによる笑い、さらには、涙が溢れる感動秘話などの要素が複合的にからみあい、ドラマチックな歴史絵巻として展開する。 2011年の東日本大震災への支援活動にも取り組んでおり、被災地での演奏をはじめ、 2011年から3年にかけて続くアメリカツアーにおいても岩手県陸前高田市の後援を受け、 世界に向けた被災地の情報発信の一端を担っている。 HEAVENESE HEAVENESE オフィシャルファンクラブ HEAVENESE BRIDGE 後援会
Welcome to DLM Christian Lifestyle!! I am Daniel Maritz and on this channel, we will discuss life’s thought-provoking topics, aimed to encourage and strengthen you on your path to personal growth with God. My goal is to help you to become all God has intended for you to be, while also having and enjoying life in all its fullness.
My more spiritual and manifesting type content
Living a healthy lifestyle means working out, eating well, and getting enough rest. Don't forget to relax, and drink water, Taking care of yourself and making little changes can boost your well-being and help you live longer. watch videos to learn more. Enjoy! How to earn money online for free no investment
Living as a lone wolf man in today's world. The Lone Wolf Channel is a channel for people (mostly geared towards men) to discuss topics, news, articles, and humor in today's society. The main focus is looking at issues from multiple or under represented angles. The topics I discuss are not often heard in 2021 and people need to hear this message. The divorce rates and single parent households in 2021 and beyond are extremely high and critical thought needs to be given as to why this has happened. Additionally, being alone and single is not a curse, its a blessing. Feel free to like, comment, share, subscribe, it will help the channel grow and support future content. #Bachelor #Go your own way #Crimson Capsule #ManoSphere #MGTOW
📈 Entrepreneur 🚀 Founder & CEO of John Anthony Lifestyle 🌎 Created The World's Most Efficient Dating System For Busy Professionals & Entrepreneurs That Has Created Over 10,000+ First Dates, 800+ Relationships & 45+ Marriages
Welcome to DLM Men's Lifestyle where we talk about all things MEN and more!!! I'm excited you're here to explore the world of men from a biblical perspective. My name is Daniel Maritz, and my mission is to cultivate a community of robust men who aspire to enhance not only themselves but also the lives of those around them.
Welcome to [Charlotte Dobre]! Get ready to laugh, smile, and join in on the fun as I dive into the world of comedy and lifestyle videos. On this channel, I bring my own unique twist to the content by sharing genuine reactions and hilarious commentary. Whether it's the latest viral skits, relatable everyday situations, or comedic trends, I'm here to share my thoughts and reactions in a way that'll have you in stitches. Join me on this laughter-filled journey, where we explore the lighter side of life, one reaction at a time. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss a moment of the hilarity!"
Health & Wellness Consultant, Personal Trainer, Fitness Model, Content Creator, Motivational Spokeswoman
Discover the power of a healthy lifestyle with Healthy Trim Lifestyle
3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, central air... and no electric bill. Lessons learned from providing 100% of our own power.
this channel displays the animals lifestyle .pets and predatory
Retire Early Lifestyle is a content based website that appeals to a different kind of person - the person who prizes their independence, values their time, and who doesn\'t want to mindlessly follow the crowd.
Building a group of Friends & Like Minded Mobile Entrepreneurs for on a Lifestyle full of Amazing Destinations and Memorable Experiences and Adventures
Welcome To My Lifestyle. Inspiring Others To Start Living Their Ideal Lifestyle On Their Own Terms In The Modern World. I help corporate professionals transform their lives to the path of self-actualization. Welcome to my channel in which I share my views and opinions through an honest lens based on my experiences. I also showcase the lifestyle I live to practice what I preach. I make weekly videos from a wide range of topics on overall men's self improvement in which I am passionate about. Having worked in the corporate world for a number of years, I help professionals achieve what they truly want out of life. Therefore, my goal is to help others live a more fulfilled life ideal to their own standards, rather than what society and others tell them so. So, if you are on a journey to continuous self-improvement, then this channel is for you.
Hey new friends, it's me Brittney otherwise known as LifeJesusStyle! Join me and some of my freethinking friends as we engage in Christ centered, crunchy, and conservative conversations that actually make a difference. I'm here to help other Believers navigate today's world, deepen their faith, and find their voice. Thanks for watching! Brittney Jones is a Conservative health freedom and parental rights advocate and activist in Orlando, Florida. She is the co-founder of Florida Christian Patriots, a group that activates local Christians into politics and advocates for Biblically aligned legislation. She sits on the Executive Board for Florida Freedom Keepers, which advocates for medical freedom and informed consent with gentle messaging, focusing on community and education. Brittney is a mom of three boys, ages 20, 14, and 9. She was single mom from the age of 20 until 25 when she met and married her husband. Their youngest son is vaccine injured and on the autism spectrum. This realization was a wake up call for Brittney, and in 2018 she began looking into our food and pharma. As an SA, DV, and cPTSD survivor, Brittney shines the light of Jesus into the darkest seasons of her life through these conversations with the hopes that those who listen will know they are not alone, and that their hope can come from Christ alone. Her weekly long-form podcast, All My Favorite People, focuses on sharing stories from people who are overcomers, awakening the Church for such time as this. You'll hear from pastors, authors, advocates, and regular people just like you and me who are all part of the remnant rising to #wakethechurchup. Follow the podcast on Instagram @allmyfavoritepeoplepodcast & Brittney's personal account @lifejesusstyle or by checking out #lifejesusstyle on social media.
I don't believe in just survival, we are meant to thrive.. Follow the channel and learn how to "take your dominion in the earth!" You can find more content @
The meaning after the military process is a scientific process created by Byron Rodgers a combat vet and a certified strategic interventionist. The process is designed to help former service members and veterans find their purpose and direction in life after their time in service. The meaning after the military process uses a synergy of real-world experience and human needs psychology in order to help veterans leverage the power of their authenticity, individual ability and also their military skill sets in order to create the type of life that would bring them the most fulfillment moving forward. This process is not only for veterans transitioning but for absolutely any veteran who has left the armed forces No matter how long ago and is currently engaged in the fight to find meaning in life after their time in service.
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Mike and Jennifer tell it like it is. The RV Lifestyle is going to be very challenging in 2022. But here's how to get around the roadblocks.
The Love For The Gym
Everyone About my Channel Fall in love in sport and fitnesst changing the lifestyle of workout you can say Gym my first Home workout videos iCurvy girls Woman Power Fitnerss Go hard or go home Woman world Fit Support our World Fintess Motivation dialy Day workout start Fitness Models her goal is to share with you what I believe is the best workout for a fitness model. Whether you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re an active or aspiring fitness model, I strongly suggest you give this workout a try. You never know, it may just be what you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re looking for. In our fitness videos we hope you find the motive and inspiration to get not only a aesthetic body, but also health and well-being... A hug and thank you for supporting this channel...
Living a simple life in rural Thailand
This is a engaging and informative channel, we delve into the incredible world of the Living Pharmacy. Discover the natural health revolution that can transform your well-being. We'll share expert tips and closely-guarded secrets, ensuring you're well-equipped to embrace this holistic approach. Join us in exploring the Living Pharmacy phenomenon that is taking the wellness community by storm!
Outdoors and Sportsman Videos
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