Finding Freedom: Healing from Narcissistic Abuse.


Meditations for Narcissistic Abuse is a channel dedicated to helping those who have experienced the trauma of narcissistic abuse find inner peace and healing. We offer guided meditations, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices tailored specifically for this journey. Our goal is to empower victims of narcissistic abuse to reclaim their power and break the cycle of abuse. Each video is carefully crafted to promote self-compassion, self-empowerment, and healing. With a focus on providing accessible and supportive resources, we believe that meditation can be a powerful tool for recovery. Join us on this journey and subscribe for weekly meditations. Let us help you find the strength and resilience to move forward on your path to healing. Together, we can make a difference.

Документални филми / Documentaries


Аз съм Ценка Стойчева и съм публицист, лектор, общественик, свръхсетивен диагностик и лечител, писател. Тук, на канала си, в поредица от кратки клипове ще представям различни аспекти на холистичния метод за диагностика и лечение, който разработих през изминалите 25 години, и който подробно описвам в книгите си "Новото лечителско изкуство" (2006) и "Мистичният феникс" (2021) ⭐️ "Новото лечителско изкуство" и Мистичният феникс" можете да си поръчате на следния имейл: ⭐️ Ако желаете, можете да ме подкрепите със скромна сума, като се абонирате за канала ми в Patreon ⭐️ Или чрез акаунта ми в PayPal ⭐️ Моята страница във Фейсбук ❤️ Линк за безплатно сваляне в ел. вариант на първата ми книга - "Сребърната нишка":

Ryan Stewman


Ryan Stewman is a best selling author, CEO of 5 companies, founder of, full time investor, and consultant to millionaires and celebrities across the globe. He's been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, The, The Good Men Project, CNBC, and pretty much every other major business publication out there. Ryan gives the credit for his meteoric rise in business to his sales skills. He's never had a salaried job his entire life. He's worked in commissioned sales since he was 13 years old. He's sold well into 9 figures worth of products and services. "I believe that everyone can be great at sales, they just need the right thing to sell and the right people to talk to" - Ryan Stewman He's mastered the mindset it takes to win no matter what forces come against you. Ryan rewires minds and changes lives. Give him the chance, he will change yours too.

The Mystical Mountain Podcast


The Mystical Mountain Podcast is dedicated to a constant deep dive into the realms of optimal health & healing, spirituality, the metaphysical world, supernatural activity, our true origins, esoteric knowledge and wisdom, and of course "conspiracy theories".\r\nThe Mystical Mountain Podcast URL’s

\r\n\r\nPODBEAN -
\r\n\r\nAPPLE -

\r\n\r\nGOOGLE -\r\n\r\nSPOTIFY -\r\n\r\nAMAZON -\r\n\r\nLISTEN NOTES -\r\n\r\nPLAYERFM -\r\n\r\niHEARTRADIO -

Mystical Awakening 444


Your portal to a higher realm of spiritual knowledge & profound mystical experiences. On this channel we delve deep into the mystical world, exploring ancient wisdom, angelic insights and sacred practices that can lead to personal awakening and transformation. Our content is a fusion of spirituality, angel facts & timeless wisdom designed to guide you in your spiritual journey. Our mission is to help you unlock your inner potential, find inner peace and navigate life's challenges with spiritual grace. Join our community of seekers and let's embark on this mystical journey together. Don't forget to subscribe, hit the notification bell, and join us on the path to awakening

Creative Mystic Portal


This is where I will post videos with commentary on life and civilization from my view point, spiritual, mystical, philosophical, occult, perhaps esoteric and magic, sense of humor, music, commentary, creative output of expression. Thus, welcome to my Creative Mystic Portal. - James I have 2 other channels here on Rumble. One called “My Haunted Diary Paranormal” and the other “Ventriloquist Diary”. By the title names it should be obvious what they are about. Check them out if you feel so inclined.