DjSquibby AREA 51


Hi all... Looky looky... DJ & Streaming Tuition... (Also welcome, musicians, vocalists, DJ's etc, wanting to live stream at my studio)... Welcome to my channel... Life, the universe and everything, including gaming, dance and alternative music for pant swinging therapy... Live long and prosper and may the force be with you... You can catch my live streams at Twitch... Also find me at Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, please follow the links below ;)_~

Champions Never Quit - Timothy McGaffin II and Cheri McGaffin


Champions Never Quit! The Greatest Thing you can do in your Life is to Get Back Up when you get knocked down. Brighteon Social: MeWe: USALife: Gab: Parler: Minds: ISE Media: Telegram: Video Platforms: Brighteon: Bitchute: UGETube: YouTube:

Arquitetura e design


Alexandre Cruz de Souza é formado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo e possui um escritório de arquitetura voltado para projetos na área de interiores e construção civil. Desde 2007 é professor e criador do curso presencial e a distância de Perspectiva à mão Livre. Também desenvolveu outros cursos para arquitetos na área de desenho digital como Sketchup, Vectorworks, V-ray, Projeto de espaços e Gerenciamento de obras. Além de ministrar esses cursos é docente dos curso de Decoração Prática e Design de Interiores no Senac SBC e o curso de Expressão gráfica para a pós graduação em Design de Interiores da PUC/RS

The NonSequitur Show


NonSequitur is crafted around uncommon philosophy and influenced by a simple ideology. Here, bold ideas are righteous, unique perspective are gospel, and informed opinions are sacred. NonSequitur is hosted by Steve McRae, and follows a vision of content that is rich in optimistic sarcasm and seeks to balance entertainment with information, open minds, and provoke thought. NonSequitur is comprised of several formats. Each show features discussions with fascinating guests who are making an impact in our social, political, or religious culture. Some may consider ideas discussed here taboo, but NonSequitur defiantly showcases controversial issues in passionate debates. The result is a channel unapologetic in its audacity and relentless in its originality.

No Politics. No Culture Wars. Just Movies!


Welcome to the Channel of a Man in His Mid-Forties Reviewing Some of the More Obscure Shows and a Jason Mask. I Review Movies and Television Shows and LEAVE OUT all the Culture Wars, Politics and Any Other Non-Sense that Constantly Fills Our Screens Every Minute. Remember the Good Old Days When You Can Talk about a Film Solely Based on it's Merits without Injecting All This Other Divisive Garbage? Well, You've Come to the Right Place! Leave a Like and Subscribe and Let's Keep This Community Going!