Original Songs and Music


This channel features my Original Songs and Musical Arrangements. I invite you to check out all my Rumble Channels which are listed as follows: CoyoteCreekBuues2 (Original Songs) CCBTurnsRed (Political Songs) CCB Christmas (Christmas Songs) CCBCoronaVirus (Corona Virus Songs) CCB Cats (Cat Videos) I hope you will also rumble and follow each of these channels if you like my content. For more free original song downloads you can also check out my website, Coyote Creek Blues: www.coyotecreekblues.com I also post videos on YouTube. You can also visit my YouTube channel: Coyote Creek Blues @coyotecreekblues6935 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOIRZBOLed54BytMdERW-kQ Please remember to rumble and follow because it helps me to grow this channel and to produce more great video content. Thanks so much for watching!

Founder @ The Future-Proof Academy at Christian Kromme: Futurist / Global Keynote Speaker / Best Selling Author


Best Selling Author and World-Renowned Futurist Speaker Christian Kromme is a world renowned futurist, entrepreneur and author of the bestseller book Humanification - Go Digital, Stay Human. He gives inspiring keynotes about the impact of disruptive technological developments on people, organisations and society. Christian Kromme was an innovative tech-entrepreneur for 15 years until he discovered the DNA behind disruptive innovation and how to use this to predict the next big wave of technological disruption. Now Christian is one of the most in-demand global futurist keynote speakers, speaking in front of hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, business leaders and policymakers about the radical impact of disruptive technologies on humans and organisations. His future insights are now available for a broad audience Christian has spoken on many exclusive and prestigious events in many industries, most of them are forums, conferences, congresses and corporate events with audiences up to 5000 people. In the last two years, Christian has presented for more than 250 world-leading organisations on five continents, in 22 different countries and before more than 400.000 people, including the worlds wealthiest and most influential families and members of multiple royal families. Christian\\\'s purpose in life is to inspire people by awakening the possibility that humanity can create a hopeful and meaningful future.