

Welcome to Dearest Spark! On this channel you'll find numerology energy readings to make every one of your days Out-Standing! The Cosmos' master plan for you ensures you'll view a video in perfect timing to your journey. IN-JOY! To view on YT: #Numerology #DestinyPath #Life Path #Energy #Potential #Transcendence #Higher-Self #Soul #Spirit #Evolution #Empowerment #Unconditional Faith #Spirituality #I AM #Love #HELP ~ HumanEvolutionLovesPeace #DearestSpark #Spark Disclaimer: The numerology video readings provided through this channel are for entertainment purposes only and are not a substitute for professional advice. They are an interpretation of the numerology of the day and/or week and/or month and/or year, and are subjective. They are not to be taken as fact or truth, and their accuracy or reliability is not guaranteed. You release us from all liability arising from your use of these video readings. We are not responsible for any actions you take or do not take based on these video readings. Full disclaimer at:

The Sparks Report


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