Krysto Sophia~Circle of Light


Clare & Jeffrey work with Divine Mother Sophia & Divine Father Krysto energies. Assisting clients with sacred alchemy to reconnect & self heal. Working with embodying the Union of Source Krysto/ Sophia to achieve harmonic balance within their life's & fulfilling their souls mission. They offer Workshops, Spiritual Guidance for Self Healing, Sound Therapy & Quantum Healing sessions such as: A.U.R.A (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy) R.A.A.H (Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing) Q.G.A.R (Quantum Galactic Akashic Reader) We also travel to many sacred places to aid in the ascension of Mother Earth & the Collective. If you are guided to book a session with Clare, Jeffrey or with them both, please go to



Iran Plata Fabregat nació en Santiago de las Vegas, La Habana, Cuba. Se graduó de la Academia de Bellas Artes «San Alejandro» en 1991. Comercializó sus obras como miembro de la galería-calle «Víctor Manuel», en la plaza de la catedral de la Habana. Impartió clases de pintura en la Academia de Bellas Artes «San Alejandro». También fue profesor y jefe de la cátedra de pintura de la Academia de Bellas Artes «Eduardo Abella», en San Antonio de los Baños.Vive en Montreal, Canadá.

The Sophianic Myth

3 Followers Sign up to receive a free, 9 episode online course to teach you how the earth came to be. The most beautiful story on earth is the story about the earth, the sentient and intelligent mother planet. The central figure of the Mystery Schools was the Wisdom Goddess, Sophia, known by names differing by people and region. Her name in Greek means “wisdom.” Philo-sophia was originally “love of wisdom,” and by extension, love of the goddess herself. The Home Story differs from all other “creation myths” in the way it addresses the totality of the human situation, planet-wide, even though it arises from a specific geographic and racial origin.