J Vegas Slots


It all started with two brothers that loved to hit up the slot machines for a jackpot or two! First, we have the luck box brother better know as D. Yeah that is right just the letter D, lol! He is know to play until the wee hours of the morning in search for the next jackpot. Then we have the cooler brother better know as Jay! Lol We have also picked up some many friends and our crew the Lucky Lizards along the way. So sit back and enjoy the videos! We will be giving away lots of fun prizes like gift cards, merch, and more! So stay tuned because you never know what is going to be next!



Welcome to my channel friends! If you enjoy watching slot play with some huge handpay jackpots, please SUBSCRIBE to my channel and turn on all notifications! Also, I throw in some room / suite tours of where I'm staying while chasing those 'at times' all too elusive big jackpots and lastly, Chef BOMBA 🧑‍🍳 comes out with the occasional food tour / review as well, of some of the best cuisine, these 5 star resorts have to offer! Appreciate each and every one of you friends!🙌🏼 Regardless of how it may sometimes seem, I know of no "regular" slot player - who makes more money than they lose. playing slot machines . © All uploads are the intellectual property of BOMBA Slots. You do not have permission to re-use or publish any part of them without our written consent.

NG Slot


Hi, I’m NG Slot and welcome to my channel! I travel the country playing slots to share with you my real-life experiences at casinos. On my channel you can find videos that are average betting to high limit nail biters. I post both my wins and my losses so I don’t give anyone the illusion that gambling is a winning proposition. Gamble responsibly and most importantly, ENJOY! Very Truly Yours, NG Slot P.S. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to all of my social media accounts.

The Louisiana Hobby Guy


Welcome! My name is Rich, "The Louisiana Hobby Guy" I'm from a small town just outside New Orleans, LA. I have always enjoyed working with my hands and creating things. I have over 25+ years of software experience from both college and my career, and I also minored in graphic design in college, so I look forward to sharing software guides, my videos and my unique graphics with my supporters! Now semi-retired, I am having fun with lots of different hobbies in the "Maker's realm". I'm learning Laser Engraving and making some extra money from it! I'm sharing my experiences along the way getting started in this hobby. See you on the inside.... If you want to contact me to review your products in one of my videos, feel free to send me an email or a text message! I will give a fair and honest review of your product or service. Contact Me: Email: thelahobbyguy@gmail.com Phone & WhatsApp: 1+504-233-4509 Facebook Messenger: m.me/105768145045320

We The People of Northwest Louisiana


We the People of Northwest Louisiana provide information for candidates running for office and for issues affecting the American way of life. People make better decisions at election time when they are informed about the candidates and issues presented on the ballots. They also are provided information on those issues proposed to our legislators who are voting in the legislative sessions. They can better determine whether their legislators are representing them as their constituents during the legislative sessions.

Louisiana Politics and Election Integrity


Louisiana Power Coalition, LLC, Louisiana Citizens Advocacy Group (LACAG) and Citizens for Election Integrity are grassroots groups that have committed to restoring the core values of constitutional governance and election transparency to the State of Louisiana. Visit our social media sites for articles, videos, and documents covering a wide range of topics important to the citizens of Louisiana Louisiana Power Coalition, LLC: https://www.facebook.com/LouisianaPowerCoalition/ LACAG: https://www.lacag.org/ Louisiana Citizens for Election Integrity: