簡單生活 Simple Living

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简单生活(Simple Living or Simple Life),或稱简朴生活、简易生活、简约生活、自求简朴(Voluntary simplicity)等,是一种极力减少追求财富及消费的生活风格。简单生活所追求的目地不外乎于:灵性、健康、增加与家人和朋友相处的宝贵时光、降低压力、个人兴趣等等。 网上有句话几年前触动了我:小时候,快乐可以很简单;长大了,简单原来很快乐!希望我的分享可以让更多的人加入简单生活的追求之中。

Want to live a healthier and happier life? Little List Project can help! On this channel, you'll find video podcasts with simple, practical and actionable tips to lead a better lifestyle.


Want to live a healthier and happier life? Little List Project can help! On this channel, you'll find video podcasts with simple, practical and actionable tips to lead a better lifestyle. *The older videos on this channel are in regular video format, but the newer ones are podcasts with a video element. Feel free to listen to them like a short podcast or watch them as videos. Regular videos took far to long to produce and edit and given the time and budget constraints, I have decided to go with a podcast style video for this channel going forward.. PLEASE FOLLOW!