The Hillbilly Kitchen Country Cooking Verified


Join real country women as we cook real food in the real kitchens where we cook for our families. We will share our recipes and our methods with you. Food doesn't have to be fancy to taste good. We will teach you how to make basic everyday foods and fancy dishes that we make for special occasions. Along the way we will share our faith and families with you. Cooking at home saves tons of money and is far healthier than eating in restaurants, as a bonus everything is fixed exactly the way you like it. The kitchen is the heart of the home. Welcome to our kitchens! #TheHillbillyKitchen #CountryCooking

Hillbilly Hearthstone


Sinners Welcome Here! Look, it's no secret that life kicks you in the fruits a lot. Most of it is caused by our own stupid decisions, but there is a cleaner and quicker way through it. It begins and ends with Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the beloved son of our Father in Heaven. Take some time to hear a few of my stories, ask some questions I'm a real person just like you, and though I don't have all the answers, I do know that Jesus is the only way to the Father. He is the key to salvation. Seek Jesus. I'll do my best to help.