Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.


The mission of Teshuvah Ministries is to do what Rabbi Ye'shua commanded, "Go to them (the Scattered) and help them do all that I commissioned them to do." Our goal is to teach the Larger Story we were born into; what it means for women and men to repent; the power of the ezer kenegdo; what the Narrow Path is and how to be a royal priest who delights in Yah's ways. We promote a complete picture of the Family in Heaven (Father, Mother, Son); a simple understanding of the Melchizedek Priesthood and we strive to remove the chaos-making to show that the path to the Happily-Ever-After is simple and doable thanks to the work of Ye'shua. We used to be Christians, but have become Hebrews by leaving pagan traditions and man-made religion to obey YHVH Elohim, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel through His Son, Ye'shua. We are His disciples – specifically we call ourselves "Brit-Torah-Observant Believers." See our website for more of our beliefs.



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