Chef Donny
12,854 FollowersHaving a good time in the kitchen
Having a good time in the kitchen
The footage in this video is from a west-facing camera at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. This camera footage is the first of many the Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Oversight will be posting exclusively on Rumble. Certain clips throughout the day will appear blurred during specific times when USCP personnel manually zoomed in the camera. The blurring effect was added by the Subcommittee before publishing where a private citizen's face becomes recognizable. This is to protect the identity of private citizens from doxing. Additionally, the time stamp for each individual clip is included in the title.
Hi, I am Chef John Politte a professional chef who will teach you how to: • Build flavor with cooking methods, • Show you culinary techniques, • Give you ideas to create simple meals, • Talk about food safety • Explain how to start your own cooking channel FOR FANTASTIC RECIPES AND TO BROWSE MY GOURMET SEASONING SHOP, HEAD OVER TO READ MY WEEKLY FOOD COLUMN “GIVE ME ONLY MY DAILY BREAD” TO GROW OR IMPROVE YOUR CHANNEL CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL THE GEAR AND GOODIES I USE FOR THE SHOW STALK ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA
Hi friends, I'm a Koala chef. I am a small animal with a passion for cooking. I decided to share my favorite recipes with you on this channel, with ingredients that are fresh and tasty, but also cheap. There is nothing more relaxing than cooking and eating together, so your opinion is very important to me, and I hope you enjoy it! Welcome to this cinema of taste, make yourself comfortable! Visit
The Schaftlein Report, a division of Conservative Broadcast Media & Journalism, brings you news you can trust each day. Hosted by Mark Schaftlein.
Ich arbeite im Marketing und der IT bei Ich genieße gerne Whisky und hinterfrage als Unternehmer Alles, was mir in die Quere kommt. Viel wird in unserer Gesellschaft und Politik heute unter den Teppich gekehrt oder tabuisiert. Ich versuche mit meinen bescheidenen Mitteln etwas Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen, damit meine Zuseher wieder etwas glücklicher und weniger verängstigt in die Zukunft sehen können. Ach ja - ich gehöre keiner Partei an und kann meine Interessen bei keiner Partei wirklich vertreten sehen. Rote sehen mich oft als rechts an und Schwarze sehen mich gerne als rot. Doch weder noch. Ich definiere die politische Bühne nach persönlicher Freiheit und Unfreiheit. Impressum Horst Lüning c/o GmbH & Co. KG, Am Grundwassersee 4, 82402 Seeshaupt,
I love cooking and making fun cocktails. Here are some of my dishes! Forewarning, I did not go to culinary school, so my cooking is my own style (what my mom taught me, and what I picked up from cooking shows when I was growing up. Most kids watched cartoons, I watched cooking shows). Cooking became my therapy after I got into a bad car accident in 2017 and received a permanent injury.
A collection of movies and videos with the purpose of awakening and entertaining the viewer into wanting to know more, trying to understand the underlying why to it all.
Taschi breaks down events in Melbourne Australia from a perspective you would not normally discussed.
Teaching cooking techniques and homemade recipes from scratch
Storm & Tornado Chaser
Thank you for following the channel Chef Andrew Gruel
THE OUTDOORS CHEF Grow-Raise-Angle-Hunt-Cook-Store Wild Recipes #OutdoorsChefLife #SureFireRecipes #WildGameWednesday #WildtoTable #OutdoorsEducation #OutdoorsIQ
Police Chases and Pit Maneuvers
Arkansas State Police HIGH SPEED CHASES. Those of you not from Arkansas.. Be warned! If you tangle with the ASP it ends in only one of 3 ways... Either you're the LUCKIEST BASTARD in the state of Arkansas and just happen to get away (slim chance). The second and third way is either they WRECK YOUR ASS or you WRECK THEIR ASS! GOOD LUCK TO ALL THAT DARE COME HAULING ASS THROUGH THE NATURAL STATE :)
Welcome to Old ideas aren’t helping and discussion is under fire. May our hearts be kind, our minds fierce and our spirits brave. Trying to evolve in a an upside down world, Together. You are not alone in this Brave New World. Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. Charles Dickens Love, SunJewel Support the Channel and Paying It Forward Projects Please, if you get anything out of the video like, subscribe, and share :) Every like makes my heart happy. CashApp $SunJewel Contact me: Chasing the Light Community
Chasing Dissent Is The Brainchild of John and Benn, News, Politics, Comedy.
This channel is about Conspiracies, Truth, and is dedicated to exploring consciousness and expanding our understanding of the human experience. Life hacks to make things easier... Lets Sound Off! Oh and Original Music Too.
Root and Branch Association, Ltd. Fifth Israelite Monarchy Medical Fellowship Founding Chair: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko z"l (of blessed memory)
Games of all kinds
Kreative Gesellschaft ist das Projekt der gesamten Menschheit, das es ermöglicht, unsere Zivilisation in kürzester Zeit und friedlich auf eine neue Stufe der evolutionären Entwicklung zu bringen. Das Hauptziel des Projekts ist AUF DER GANZEN WELT DIE KREATIVE GESELLSCHAFT AUFZUBAUEN, in der das Leben des Menschen den höchsten Wert hat. Hier finden Sie Videos, die von Menschen aus mehr als 180 Ländern der Welt produziert wurden. Schließen Sie sich dieser Initiative an und besuchen Sie offizielle Webseite des Projektes KREATIVE GESELLSCHAFT:
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