抗酸化チャンネル/犬房 春彦(Haruhiko Inufusa)


■抗酸化チャンネルの目的 酸化ストレスに関連する病気は150種類以上あると言われており、酸化ストレスを低減することで多くの病気の予防や治療が期待されています。このチャンネルでは酸化ストレス関連疾患や抗酸化研究について、一般の方に分かりやすくお伝えすることを目的に2017年に開始しました。

Cortes guarda chuva [OFICIAL]


Canal focado em cortes de podcast dos mais variados do Brasil, como flow podcast, podpah, inteligência ltda, podcats, venus e varios outros. Postamos de 4 a 8 videos todos os dias para o melhor aproveitamento do público. cortes podcast, flow podcast, cortes podpah, cortes do flow, podcast, podcast da virginia, podcast do froid, podcast do da cunha, como fazer cortes, como crescer canal de cortes, como criar canal de cortes, podcast do mitico, mitico e igão, melhor podcast, maior podcast, podcast do sidoka, podpah com sidoka, podcast ronaldo fenomeno, podcast do young mascka, como editar videos, como ganhar dinheiro no youtube, podcast primo rico, podcast camia looures, como crescer na internet, marketing digital, ouvir podcast, mano a mano, cortes do venus, venus podcast, podcast canal de cortes, estudios flow, cortes podcast, canais de cortes grandes, agenda de podcast, podcast do lula, podcast danilo gentili, inteligencia ltda, podcats

Ruhi Çenet


Ruhi Çenet has visited hard-to-reach places in 65 countries across six continents, bringing extraordinary stories to digital platforms. His documentary series "Rediscovery" has been broadcasted in 15 different languages and reached over 2 billion views worldwide. He has been a reliable face of documentaries for over a decade, providing valuable insights from our planet. Altı kıtada, 65 ülkede ulaşılması güç yerleri ziyaret ederek olağanüstü hikayeleri dijital platformlara taşımıştır. "Yeniden Keşif" isimli belgesel serisi 15 farklı dilde yayınlanan ve dünya genelinde 2 milyarın üzerinde izlenmeye ulaşan Ruhi Çenet, on yılı aşkın bir süredir internet belgesellerinin güvenilir yüzü olarak yerküremizden tanıklıklar sunmaktadır.

Music, lifestyle,food,consert, bollywood songs,hindi,and many languages songs video creator


HAVASguruhi lifestyle is official channel,its a lifestyle of musical group of HAVASguruhi. Subscribed Welcome to the channel HAVASguruhi Hindi language means -ARZOO. 1.Bollywood songs. 2.Indian songs. 3.Classical 4.modern music. 5.Uzbek pop music. Болливудские песни. Индийские песни. Классическая и современная музыка. Узбекская поп-музыка. Hg company sing in 14 different languages. Big greetings from Havas family group from Uzbekistan. In 2016 in Mumbai , received a "Golden disc" on the TV show Koran(karan johar) Juhara "DIL Hai Hindustani". The Indian people and fans of Indian songs highly appreciated our creative aspirations. Hope you like it too! Members of the HAVAS group are winners of many international piano and violin competitions. The lead singer Kakhramon of Gulomjonov winner of the state award "NIKHOL" HAVAS: Kakhramon - Vocal (piano) Shakhnoza - Vocal (piano) Dostonbek Vocal (violin) Robiya - Vocal (violin)

🌿 Erlebe die beruhigende Kraft von Musik Verified


🌿 Willkommen bei Calming Music! 🌿 Erlebe die beruhigende Kraft von Musik, die Körper und Geist in Einklang bringt. Auf unserem Kanal findest du eine sorgfältige Auswahl an entspannenden Melodien, sanften Klängen und Naturgeräuschen, die perfekt für Meditation, Yoga, Stressabbau und erholsamen Schlaf geeignet sind. 🎶 Was dich erwartet: • Beruhigende Hintergrundmusik für Meditation und Achtsamkeit • Sanfte Klänge zur Unterstützung deines Wohlbefindens • Entspannungsmusik für deine Auszeiten und Momente der Ruhe • Natürliche Klänge, die dich in eine friedliche Atmosphäre entführen Abonniere unseren Kanal und begleite uns auf einer Reise zu innerer Ruhe und Gelassenheit. Lass den Stress des Alltags hinter dir und finde deinen persönlichen Rückzugsort mit Calming Music. 🌌 👉 Folge uns auch auf unseren sozialen Medien für regelmäßige Updates und neue Musik!