The Tarot Circle
89 FollowersFour ladies talking enlightened loveliness, with Tarot, healing, intuition, astrology and other esoteric stuff that we used to get burned for!
50 Followersparrotchop
23 FollowersCrotchetyOldGrouch
22 Followersjrotclet2cadet
8 FollowersROTC Clips
6 FollowersClips of the best show on earth
5 FollowersParrotChannel
4 FollowersPersonal channel about yolo parrot
3 Followerstheoriginalfoxtrotcharlie
3 Followersnjrotcusa
3 FollowersCrotchetyElder
2 FollowersCarrotCruncheruk
2 FollowersPhil_McCrotch
2 FollowersTheTarotCardGuy
2 FollowersAirotcivlp2
2 FollowersParrot Corner
2 FollowersI am sharing funny and educational videos about parrots!
1 Followerxotarotcards
1 Followerjpcrotc
1 FollowerROTCWC
1 FollowerROTCClips
1 FollowerA little Eclipse Channel where I upload some of the funniest clips for my favorite show
Crotchety Old Man on Hockey
1 FollowerWhere we love hockey.
1 FollowerRotcup
1 FollowerPat_MacRotch
1 FollowerThe Tarot Camp
1 FollowerSanDeCrotch
1 FollowerVirggyistheworstpartofROTC
1 Followersandrotc
1 FollowerNairotci
1 Followernjrotc08
1 FollowerYrotcivPmurt
1 Followerjrotc43156
1 FollowerMSgtCohenAFJROTC
1 FollowerPatreon Firecrotch
1 FollowerDisabled US Navy Vet , Parodist , Satirist , Illist Firecrotch on Patreon & co host of Original Whiggaz Live w/ Clifford T. Focus