0 Followersraythe_rightwinger
0 FollowersThe Right Wingers
0 FollowersRich Holt and Shalira Taylor have both worked on political campaigns around the country. Now, they are teaming up to talk about politics every week on Rumble. Their unique experience as two of the few black political professionals who have worked for the Republican Party will offfer a different perspective on the events of the week.
420 blue pill chad cucking Redpill #rightWinger have no rights to freedom : IS MY DREAM
0 FollowersBLUEPILLER in actively supporting right wingers beta femboys Mega red hats values are removed from government , school( especially when its were right wingers school Child attended) all of educational institutions over American systems🤞😂 in America by 2025 : Or meme to the point were metal treatment is necessary, it's my second calling / inside hobbies.but I would settle for that for triggered videos fuel