Awake Canada Verified


We need your help! We want your rumble channel on our TV platform. Join our website, and learn more on how from the members area. Help us develop the apps for all the different streaming platforms. We are on Roku, but are building Amazon Fire, Apple TV, android, iPhone, and online TV version apps in the future. Help here: Make money helping us fundraise by becoming an affiliate:

Vaccine Choice Canada


Who We Are and What We Do:\nVaccine Choice Canada is a volunteer run, federally registered not-for-profit society. Formed in response to growing parental concern regarding the safety of current vaccination programs in Canada, we serve as a public information and resource group committed to protecting children from the known risks of vaccines currently in use and those being developed for future use in Canada by providing information about the components of vaccines, side effects, and possible long-term health effects. We are a national organization with members across Canada, many of whom have children who have suffered a broad spectrum of vaccine reactions and injuries, including neurodevelopmental injuries and death following vaccination. Our mandate is to empower families to make educated, voluntary, and informed decisions about vaccination, to support people in their right to health freedom, and to maintain and further the individual’s freedom from enforced medication. A growing number of health care practitioners, both physicians and practitioners of alternative medicine, support our mandate to provide parents and legal guardians with full disclosure of the risks associated with vaccines before the decision to vaccinate is made.

Future Forecasters - An experiment exploring upcoming world and financial changes through Remote Viewing


Welcome to Future Forecasting Group. For several years under the name Cryptoviewing, we've been remote viewing Cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and the move towards the next financial system. During this time, we've seen great successes, and have countless people reaching out to us to let us know that the work we've done has improved their lives in a multitude of ways. As we move closer to the new financial system, events are coming in much faster and increasingly we want to look at more of what's coming as well as our usual crypto targets. That's why we've evolved Cryptoviewing into a new service: Future Forecasting Group, where we aim to explore more of what's to come, still look at cryptos, and continue delving into understanding why the world is the way it is through woo, historical and mystery targets. As with Cryptoviewing, we'll have our exceptional world-class remote viewers: Edward Riordan, Daz Smith, and Nyiam, but we're going to expand our team out so that we can work more targets and increase the value of what we're doing. We've created this new site to consolidate all of our members from Patreon and the Private Site into a single place that provides a better experience all around. This platform allows us to interact and provide content in ways we couldn't before and we hope you'll love it.

Bo Polny


Bo Polny is a biblical cycle timing expert and geopolitical/financial analyst; the face behind YouTube's Gold2020Forecast, with currently 17-million+ views! Bo Polny holds possibly the most verifiably accurate Bitcoin & Gold cycle forecasting track record in the world. Bo states… “Cycles are real, both evil and Jesus are real, the future is written. As January 2020 we are living in Biblical Times and because history repeats and God revealed some of His times calculation through the prophet Daniel, it is now possible to calculate important ‘key’ TIME points into the future.” God Bless.

Peoples Party of Canada (Unofficial Channel) Verified


The People’s Party of Canada’s 4 fundamental values are: \\\\n * Individual Freedom\\\\n * Personal Responsibility\\\\n * Fairness\\\\n * Respect\\\\n\\\\nWe don’t believe that government intervention is a solution for everything. Government should not intervene to solve each and every problem on the road to a utopian and unrealistic vision of society.\\\\n\\\\nWe want smaller government because we support individual freedom and personal responsibility. We have faith in people. We have faith that they have the ability, the dignity and the right to make their own decisions and determine their own destiny.\\\\n\\\\nThe People’s Party will restore Fairness in our country by denouncing the taxes, programs and regulations:\\\\n\\\\n * that protect industries from competition, create barriers to trade and force consumers to pay more for goods and services;\\\\n * that discourage investment, crush private initiative, and the dreams of young entrepreneurs;\\\\n * that force citizens to be content with inefficient government services and prevent private alternatives to emerge;\\\\n * that unfairly distribute wealth from some provinces to others while keeping the recipient provinces in poverty.\\\\n\\\\nThe People’s Party will:\\\\n\\\\n * respect the taxpayers;\\\\n * respect our Constitution;\\\\n * equally respect all regions, provinces and territories;\\\\n * and respect our traditions, our history, and what makes Canada a unique place in the world, without trying to forcibly change it like the current Liberal government is doing.\\\\n\\\\n(The PPC_Unofficial channel is authorized to redistribute Peoples Party of Canada Content. This is NOT an official PPC outlet. Please refer to the Peoples Party of Canada website for official PPC Content)\\\\n