Cryptid's Roost - CreepyPasta Narrations


I'll be bringing you various creepypastas, horror and other spooky stories as well as cryptid encounters. If you have a story or an encounter you would like to share, you can email me at or you can post it over on my sub-reddit - ** If you are also a narrator and would like to collab', please don't hesitate to hit me up ** If you would like to support the channel, there is a merch store, account, as well as paypal. Any donations would be gratefully received... These would go towards purchasing better and much needed equipment. Due to a change with COPPA, this channel is for over 13's. So parents, if your child is under 13, please send them to the YouTube Kids app. Be sure to like, share, comment and subscribe. Many thanks

Creepypasta TV ENG


Support the channel! PayPal: QIWI: XANDER92 Thank you! Cool merchandise with the channel logo You can buy it here Scary stories that take your breath away. Horror stories told at night. Kripipasta that gives you goosebumps. Stories that you can't help but hear the end. Tales that scare children. scary stories Scary stories at night scary stories from life bedtime stories Bedtime stories scary stories stories creepy stories mystic terrors life stories creepypasta graveyard night life stories top 10 Christian stories interesting stories story audio books amazing stories top 10 top 10 top 5 top 5 creepypasta scary stories about the village facts scary story mystical stories

Lassa Vakk


Currently working on unofficial soundtracks for some tv's shows that are sentimental to my childhood. Any soundtrack suggestions are welcome! I would love to work on anything I can! Just a guitar playing/song writing hobbyist with mostly instrumentals in the genres and styles of post rock, prog rock, ambient, experimental. I have some collaborations and I'm also working on unofficial soundtracks. Planning on these Unofficial soundtracks... Adventures In Odyssey The Greatest Adventure: Stories From The Bible The Last Chance Detectives Mass Effect Dark Forces/Jedi Knight KOTOR I might try video game soundtrack covers in the near future as well as no commentary video game let's plays. --Make weird music. If it's not weird, it's not personal. If it's not personal, it's not good. Also find Lassa Vakk here...

I video di BastaBugie


Il servizio di informazione BastaBugie è nato dall'iniziativa di alcuni giovani, che si scambiavano delle e-mail con gli articoli più interessanti trovati in internet. Nel 2007 BastaBugie è stato pubblicato in un blog, ed ha preso la forma attuale, con nove articoli alla settimana. I lettori aumentavano di settimana in settimana e nel 2010 BastaBugie, ormai diventato un riferimento culturale irrinunciabile per migliaia di persone, si è trasformato nel sito internet attuale. BastaBugie è una selezione di articoli per difendersi dalle bugie della cultura dominante: televisioni, giornali, internet, scuola, ecc. Oltre duecentomila lettori mensili, decine di migliaia di iscritti alla newsletter, le mail di incoraggiamento, ci spingono ad andare avanti. Caro amico, non perdiamoci d'animo e facciamo di tutto per diffondere un po' di luce in questo mondo. Iscriviti ai nostri canali social e sarai sempre informato sulle ultime novità. Viva la libertà! Viva la verità! Basta bugie!