The Aggressively Average Podcast


The Bearable Bull Is A Persona I Created 4 Years Ago That Allowed Me To Speak Freely On Controversial Topics Without The Threat Of Public Backlash Or Criticism.. This Gave Me Protection From Physical Threats In The Real World However, There Was A Moment In 2021 Where I Dared Talk On Topics Like Covid, Vaccines & Politics On My Youtube Channel & Shortly Thereafter I Was Censored The Aggressively Average Podcast Is A Place Where I, The Bearable Bull, Can Speak On Every Topic Of Relevance Without The Threat Of Being Censored & I Look Forward To Pushing Societal Boundaries Again

Truth Table News World Verified


Truth Table News World channel was created to provide it's viewers with real current events that affect us all. Our mission is clear. No spin, tin foil, mis-information content. I am the editor-in-chief of Four44Media Mission, a US Press Corp. affiliate member Verification Code: 90999GON Our broadcasts will provide interviews/collaborations/contributive unique guests, plus other freelance journalists with specialties in intel/investigative niche spaces.

"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable." ~ James A. Garfield


I produce alternative independent media that cuts through mainstream lies and deceptions. ALT SITES: 1. 2. SUPPORT: If you feel led to support my efforts you can do so via any of the following links. 1. 2. (Free PRIVATE Cloud Storage) 3. Thank you!