286 Sunshine


News and Events in the spirit of the Florida Sunshine law statute 286 Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to be a source of legal advice. You should not rely on the statements or representations made by the hosts or guests. The purpose of this podcast is to give guidance and to educate those in the community on the actions taken by your "elected officials" and how to be self-reliant members of the constitutional Republic of the united States of America and as such it is strongly recommended that you do your own research. 286 Sunshine does not assume any responsibility for the actions or non-actions taken by any of the hosts, guests or listeners, and no one shall be entitled to a claim for detrimental reliance on any information provide or expressed herein. We reserve our right to assemble, and we do so peacefully and without trespass.

Transcend The Monkey


It is our goal to be constantly refining our world view through conversations and debate. We'll be having conversations about a wide range of topics from politics, science, world events, conspiracy theories, to the paranormal. We welcome anyone who disagrees to present their perspective to us so that we can do our best to see things from as many perspectives as possible. Hopefully getting closer to understanding what's happening in this strange place we call reality.