Author of “Our Cosmic Origin” #1 best seller on Amazon in Ancient & Controversial Knowledge •Cosmic Ambassador, Galactic historian, and star seed. Ismael Perez - Cosmic Conflicts, Knowledge And History...... This is from a Event we did Called The New Earth Collective - Journey through Consciousness. Ismael Perez author of (Our Cosmic Origin)gives a riveting presentation that talk about the Ancestral Cosmic Conflict and some of the history of these Cosmic Entities. Also a glimpse if what to come in the Dimensional aspects of our journey.

Perai Dev


EM BREVE por aqui um canal de desenvolvimento de jogo 100% focado no publico Brasileiro para te ensinar da melhor maneira possível o passo a passo da arte de criação de jogos. NADA É IMPOSSIVEL, mas é preciso muita dedicação. E logicamente não ficaremos apenas em meros e simples tutoriais, mas estaremos em busca de entregar o que você gostaria de saber programar. Quem sabe apenas um jogo plataforma como Super Mario, ou mesmo um Flappy Bird para celular. Publicar na Google play talvez? Bom.. as possibilidades são infinitas quando lidamos com programação, e sempre há espaço para fazer um bug se transformar em uma feature. Vou encontrar apenas conteúdo de unity por aqui? Tecnicamente não, pois a ideia é abranger outras engines também como Construct, quem sabe a nova Lamberyard e até um pouco de Unreal. Só que como a Unity tem uma maior demanda, você encontrará mais conteúdo sobre ela.

Jimmy Petruzzi


Jimmy Petruzzi, Cert Ed, PGCert MH Psych, MSc (Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health), BIH, MBPsS Jimmy Petruzzi MSc is a world-renowned high performance coach, hypnotherapist and NLP trainer, award-winning coach, bestselling author, award-winning speaker, developer of cognitive reprocessing, radio broadcaster, musician, committee member communications officer and Co Chair elect for the North West England BPS British Psychological Society, editor for BPS British Psychological Society North of England Bulletin. A lifelong learner, Jimmy has studied several different modalities over the past 20 years, ranging from NLP, CBT, hypnotherapy, including studying the intensives and masterclasses at The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Phoenix, AZ. Including completing teacher training, including several coaching courses in sport and business and continues to expand his knowledge by incorporating several modalities, principles from the arts, martial arts, sport and business into his delivery. A world-renowned performance coach for over 20 years, he has worked and continues to work around the world with many top businesses, entrepreneurs, corporations, professional football teams and individuals at national and international level in the English premiership and worldwide. He also works with international and Olympic athletes, top professional sports people, consultant to sports organizations, businesses and associations, helping them achieve peak performance in all aspects of their lives