

We are your ultimate destination for all things pet-related. Whether you're a devoted pet owner, an animal lover, or simply looking to learn more about our furry, feathered, and finned friends, you've come to the right place. On this channel, you'll find a treasure trove of heartwarming stories, informative guides, and entertaining content dedicated to pets of all shapes and sizes. From adorable puppy and kitten videos to expert tips on pet care, training, and health, we've got it all covered

Overtime with TJ


Серијалот "Overtime with TJ" со Јовица Симоновски. Overtime е шоу каде што ќе ви ги дадеме сите информации за најважните натпревари во неделата. Шоу кое ќе ги забележи предностите и слабостите на секој тим и шоу кое ќе ви ги прикаже клучните играчи кои треба да се забележат. Што да се гледа? Што да очекуваме? Вести ... Трачеви ... И многу повеќе од тоа! Едноставно шоу, кое ве подготвува за натпреварите од најинтересните фудбалски лиги во Светот. _______________________________________ The series "Overtime with TJ" with Jovica Simonovski. Overtime is a show where we will give you all the information about the most important matches of the week. A show that will highlight each team's strengths and weaknesses and a show that will show you the key players to watch out for. What to watch? What should we expect? News ... Gossip ... And much more! A simple show that prepares you for the matches of the most interesting football leagues in the world.

Blackburn Roverseas


Hello! My name is Dirk and this is Blackburn Roverseas your one stop shop on everything Blackburn Rovers related. We have LIVE watchalongs, match previews & reviews as well as breaking news from Ewood Park. Also your one stop shop for Euro 2020 coverage. Match previews, reviews, predictions and watchalongs. We like to explore other leagues around the world including the Premier League, Serie A, La Liga and the Bundesliga with dedicated prediction shows. The buck doesn't stop there, as we also love the major European tournaments too with regular coverage of the Champions League and Europa League. When the season is over fear not as we also enjoy looking at the world of international football and are looking forward to Euro 2028, Copa America and the 2026 World Cup... and that is just the tip of the iceberg... so what you waiting for!?!