Operation Truth


We are the show "THEY" don't want you to see! Operation Truth has one focus and one focus only...getting the truth about the things going on in the USA and the world globally out to the average people who are intentionally left in the dark by the political paradigm, large corporate interests, and the corporately owned mainstream media. Our key players: Lou Palumbo: Former NYPD Officer who now owns one of the most prestigious private security companies in the USA that has contracted with Hollywood A-Listers like Jennifer Anniston and Alec Baldwin, Royalty, CNN, and The Golden Globes; Tom Fuentes: The Former Assistant Director of the FBI and Board Member of Interpol, now consults on matters of law enforcement and security globally; Christian Briggs, the owner and CEO of Hard Asset Management and the host of the Hard Asset Money Show podcast, consults globally on matters of finance. We give the non-partisan truth to you straight here. Join the Operation!

Pinball Gameplay Chat


Recording the playing of pinball, and sometimes talking sht about stuff and things . . . Concerned with the ruth being shared and known by people. Some fairly reliable information/commentary sources to investigate: https://www.youtube.com/@locustsandhoney486/videos https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zvsdLYP6xuRS/ https://www.youtube.com/@johnk7164/videos https://www.bitchute.com/channel/HxiAocL0Gpab/ Supreme Court New South Wales Ruling, War Crimes: https://jade.io/article/825524 2013 Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act - Sec:10-11: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00269

EM-PINMAN's Pandemonium Pinball


Hey Folks! Hop on board for another fun pinball adventure with your pal EM-PINMAN! In general I cover electromechanical and some early solid state pinball from 1979 and before, repairing these pinball machines in my Lone Star Arcade. Please make sure you subscribe, like, and hit the bell icon for future upcoming videos to help support this channel! If you really like a certain video please "Share" it as well! Also, a Big Thank You to my current subscribers for your support!