Alpha Trading : Trading Volatility, Entropy, Probability and Statistics (VEPS)


Alpha Trading is a community of traders who trade volatility, entropy, probabilities and statistics (VEPS) using tools built and maintained by Alpha Trading. Visit to join the discord and get free access to the Volatility Starter Pack of Alpha Trading indicators as well as free education about how to use the indicators to trade, free access to the Live Streams, and free access to the community of VEPS traders that are Alpha Trading.

Your Health From the Ground Up!


Certified holistic health practitioner, nutritionist, and traditional apothecary/herbalist Rebecca Roentsch Montrone employs the modalities of diet, lifestyle management, nutritional supplements, bio-identical hormones, and botanicals to help bring healing and optimize health. Whether you are dealing with serious illness or simply looking for a “tune-up,” Rebecca welcomes the opportunity to help you achieve your health-related goals. Set up an appointment with her for a nutritional consultation and get to the root of your health problem.

Michal Lewicz - Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Airdrop DeFi TestNet Web3 Gaming NFT


Siemanko jestem Michał, ten kanał będzie poświęcony Technologi Blockchain, Kryptowalutom, DeFi oraz szeroko pojętemu zarabianiu online. Zapraszam na moja strone gdzie znajdziecie wiele ciekawych materiałów pomocniczych. Prowadze również grupę na FB i Discord do której dostaniecie sie przez zapis na mojego darmowego E-Booka - Podstawy Kryptowalut -

DC Entropy


I sort of pride myself on mostly uncut and unedited videos. At the moment I’ve mostly just posted random topics and conversations, hence the “Entropy” part of the channels name. I’m also someone who is interested and striving for vehicle, vanlife and/or rvlife, survival (SHTF) and is doing my best to contribute to the community even before the “leap” is made by me. Contact me at or 202-449-5248 You can also support my fledgling channel here... This is all I'm doing at the moment. CashApp: $hyperial