Next Level Soul Podcast


Next Level Soul founder Alex Ferrari is a #1 best-selling author, podcaster, speaker, entrepreneur, & filmmaker. Throughout his life, Alex always asked the big questions; Why are we here? Is this all there is? What is my soul's mission in this life? He developed Next Level Soul to help people around the world get closer to their own higher power to look inward for the answers they are searching for. The Next Level Soul Podcast discusses all aspects of life's journey; Mindset, Relationships, Health & Wellness, Spirituality, Creativity, Business, Entrepreneurship, and Money. Guest Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any, Alex Ferrari, subsidiaries, or any corporate entities they represent.

The Original Next Level Gaming Verified


We are The ORIGINAL Next Level Gaming, your place for fun game streams, objective & passionate video game talk, and a community like no other NLG is Mike Mullis & Peter Heutink. - Mike's gaming started on the Intellivision and Atari Computers. As a game journalist, he attended 12 E3's, has 3 box quotes to his name, and is even a relief pitcher in 2K's MLB2K7! - Peter's been gaming since the dark ages & the Commodore 64 is his fave. A connoisseur of all platforms, Peter is a master at both single player & multiplayer gaming! The "Original" Next Level Gaming started as a multiplatform website in 2001. Our website is archived at*/

book of ours: The New Model Series


Through image, design, movement and music, book of ours documents the Age of Covid, The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution in the New Model Series. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a revolution you weren’t asked to join and never voted for. This is a change so profound that it required a lockdown of the entire planet in order to implement it. This revolution is made up of initiatives like sustainable development, multi-stakeholder committees and global governance. This isn’t the New World Order. This is the new normal. This is the New Model. This is The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Next Level Homestead


Hey I'm Brian with Next Level Homestead. If this is your first time here... welcome! I'm glad you're here! If you're a longtime friend, welcome back!! For most of my life I was a city boy, gardening in the suburbs. I was the first generation in my family to not grow up on a farm and somehow it was still there inside me. So now my wife Emilie, son Noah and I have moved to a small farm (at least it will be) and we're documenting our journey on this channel. Building gardens and chicken coops, buying a dairy cow and who knows what else lies in store. But we can't wait to take you with us!