We are Whole Bible Believers, committed to following Messiah ישוע, adhering to the entirety of the Scriptures, including the written Torah, and living in reverence of יהוה. Our mission is centered on cultivating a vibrant community grounded in יהוה's Word. We honor His commandments, observe His appointed feasts, Sabbaths, and dietary laws, and strive to embody His love and truth in our daily lives. Website: Telegram Group:



I believe the Scriptures is a love story between the Creator of the universe and His people; the union of the Bridegroom and His Bride. I understand the Commandments to be wedding vows, and therefore i obey them as an expression of my love towards my Beloved. I do not observe the Torah in order to be saved but rather because we are saved. I now desire to be obedient to the Covenant, as I believe Yahshua desires a spotless bride without blemish. Saved by grace through faith, I await His return, seeking righteousness by being filled with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), and being a light unto the world. Natsarim Yashar'el RMR