

The official Rumble channel of the ministry of Jonathan Cahn. Here, you’ll find Jonathan Cahn’s sermons, prophetic updates, daily words for life, biblical teachings and revelations. Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy. Check out some of Jonathan Cahn’s books here! - 🖥 Follow Jonathan Cahn: 👇 Instagram: Facebook: X: TikTok: Telegram: WhatsApp: 👉Hope Of The World Ministries: 📚Jonathan Cahn's Books: For more info or to order any messages on CD or DVD write to : HOPE OF THE WORLD PO BOX 1111 Lodi, NJ 07644 USA

Out Of Shadows (2020) - Documentary Exposing Satanism in High Places


The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.

The Synagogue of Satan


The Jews and their Lies! -- John | Chapter 8 -- Romans | Chapter 2 -- Titus | Chapter 1 -- Revelation | Chapter 2 -- Revelation | Chapter 3 -- -- Jesus In The Talmud: -- -- The Iconic KJV Bible - The Iconic Christian Walk - Marriage In Light of the Bible - Feminism In Light of the Bible - The Sodomite Agenda -- -- ABOUT ME: I am a Christian that doesn't hide my bias. I view the world with a Baptist Bias. (Thank You To: This means that I view the world through the lens of the King James Bible. While culture, opinions, and man's philosophies may change, the Word of God never changes. As we watch the accelerated deterioration of our culture and the vanishing of intelligence and adherence to truth in our nation, I seek to bring America the reality check she so desperately needs through organized videos from real men of God, today's watchmen. As our country debates over whether two plus two really equals four, or contemplates the question of, "can a man get pregnant?" what will be posted for you is the discussions the main stream media and the TV preachers will never bring you.

Nathan Reynolds


Well Hello and welcome to Nathan Reynolds (The Linen Railroad Channel) Contained here in is the chronicles of not only Nathan but also The Reynolds Family, Chelsea, Naomi and Jubilee. Five Years ago they set out to begin a journey into the wilderness. Escaping the clutches of Nathan's past ties to a dynastic family of ruling elites. They sold everything they had, bought an RV and began traveling the roads less taken. They left well paying jobs, "security" and comfort of the lands they knew to meet the wonderful wanderers, hospitable homesteaders and farmers across the nation. These are their chronicles, journals, and their raw reality shared to edify, encourage, and reveal to all the life of the modern sojourner. Their hope is for you to find joy in The One True King Yashua amidst all circumstances. May His steadfast love abound in your life as you walk in His Ways. All of the content here is for any one's fair use, freely we has received so freely we give. May you live ferociously!!

WARNING TV - Jonathan Hansen Verified


To faithfully speak to the nations of the world, proclaiming the kingdom of God; giving warning to political and church leaders, the church, and society of the signs of the return of Jesus Christ. We are sounding the alarm for the nations to turn from sin and to draw near to Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to influence and transform the nations whereby enabling peace, blessings and prosperity to come to the people. We are endeavoring to meet emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual needs through the love of Jesus Christ.

The Rio Times: Latin America and Alternative Narratives


The Rio Times is a Swiss-owned independent English-language publication dedicated to anyone interested in Brazil, Latin America and Alternative Narratives. It was launched in June 2009 as a print and digital publication aiming to offer clear and concise coverage of news and current affairs in Brazil and Latin America in English. We do so by curating existing news sources, primarily Portuguese and Spanish-language media outlets that publish content online. We strive for accuracy, balance, and fairness in our coverage, but we are only as good as our sources, most of which are Latin America's leading newspapers and magazines.

BAM! Belgian Alternative Media Verified


BAM! est un nouveau média alternatif, pluraliste, optimiste, rigoureux, impertinent et, surtout, indépendant. Nous sommes un collectif de citoyens, issus de catégories socio-professionnelles et générationnelles variées, journalistes, militants, entrepreneurs, commerçants, artistes… soucieux de défendre, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, la liberté d’opinion. Notre motivation: aborder sans tabou la crise actuelle de la Covid-19, en questionnant les enjeux scientifiques démocratiques, économiques, psychologiques, philosophiques, environnementaux et culturels qui en découlent. Constatant que les médias officiels jouent de moins en moins leur rôle critique, nous voulons recréer le débat et avoir un impact sur l’opinion publique, en donnant une information rigoureuse, éclairante et non biaisée, qui permette à chacun de faire son opinion.

The Way To Native Chronicles


This channel features a variety of outdoors and hunting-related topics, ranging from wall tent camping, moose hunts, field preparation of game, trapping, reloading ammunition and even most aspects of bullet casting. Because I'm usually up to something, content is added frequently, but not unless I feel I have something useful or interesting to deliver. As its name suggests, what sets this channel apart from the usual is due to my wife. "Treaty Indian" (Canada), her side of the family puts a different spin on the way we hunt, when we hunt (she can do so all year), how we camp and how we handle game for consumption - both for the table and for use clothing. She is skilled in the traditional art of making moccasins, moss bags and such. This is complimented by being licensed trappers and having a trapline of our own. That gives us the supply of pelts needed for native crafts. For a look at our trapline you can check out the video entitled, "An Introduction To Our Trapline."



All My Links ► Husband, Father, Gamer! Also Catholic. I love games of all kinds, particularly retro games and indies, although there are AAA\'s that I like too. I enjoy non-violent, very violent, platformers, story driven, horror, retro, you name it! I occasionally make non Let\'s Play videos and sometimes not even game related at all. I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More If you liked this video, follow and like all the followey and likey things! If you\'d like to support me, see links below :D ----------------------- This Playlist: ----------------------- Check out my playlists! ► ----------------------- Follow me on: ----------------------- Gab ► Minds ► Parler ► ----------------------- Live Streaming: ----------------------- DLive ► Twitch ► ► ----------------------- My Videos on: ----------------------- BitChute ► D.Tube ►!/c/nathansifugaming ► FruitLab ► ----------------------- Support Links: ----------------------- Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ►!/c/nathansifugaming Buy from my Merch store ► Or you can donate directly! ►