

Video Video Host David James ( djb@yhwh.stream ) teaches the Bible with authority.. Today, we study the book of 1 Kings and King Solomon. These are real answers, not what the judaic temples ( "CHURCHES" ) would answer. The Word of the Most HIGH series - https://davidjamesboston.com/word-of-the-most-high/ My e-mail: davidjamesboston@gmail.com Web: https://davidjamesboston.com/archives/ Web streaming: https://odysee.com/@TheNarrowRoad:8?view=content Telegram Chatgroup: https://t.me/NARROWROADCHAT Should you wish to support the endeavour to continue to edify: cash.app/$davidjamesboston ( a useful Youtube video on cashapp is here [ Ignore the $5 thingy for safety & security please ] : https://youtu.be/9LpC_5Ke5HE ) Amazon US Gift Card donations in USD are most welcome too ( please use e-mail address davidjamesboston@gmail.com ) - How to send an Amazon Gift Card Youtube video is here: https://youtu.be/-bh41B7a0Y4 Cross Border Amazon Gift Card donations - this Youtube video titled " How to buy an Amazon GIFT CARD for another country " might be useful: https://youtu.be/yP3yZbRYdBw To donate LBRY Credits ( via odysee.com ) - my address is: bX8reHTZ6tpk7AkHTvsyziX6DJdvxzExEo QR Code, for LBRY Credits. just in case: https://imgur.com/fcavZbk

Servant of the Most High


We are all created in the image of our Creator (Bara), Abba YaHUaH. He, the Infinite, sent His Son to become the Gateway through which all men must enter through in order to enter eternity with the Infinite Father. As a creation, I appropriately serve My Creator, and this channel is where I teach the Wisdom that has been bestowed upon Me from Above. Shalom Mishpacha, may Abba YaHUaH bare you and keep you abiding in His Torah as YaHUsha was the living example of obedience for Us.



Hi and welcome. This channel is all about the soon return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to share the Gift of Salvation, dreams, visions and testimonies of encounters with God and with Demons. God is pouring out Dreams and Visions upon all and the urgency is increasing as His return draws closer and closer:   Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. The spiritual warfare is also ramping up as in Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Jesus loves you and wants a relationship with you. Seek him today and get saved: Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.   If you would like for me to share your dreams, visions and testimonies you can email me your audio or video at: all4themosthigh@gmail.com Please like, subscribe and share. This way the message can go out to as many as possible and to provide encouragement to the Body of Christ, for time is short.   1 Corinthians 15:52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.   If you need a bible, I can mail one to you. Please email me your mailing details to: all4themosthigh@gmail.com Thank you All glory goes to the most High Yah

High Intellect Videos + More


Hello and welcome to our Rumble channel. We are High Intellect Videos +. Our goal with this channel is to deliver quality videos using Adobe Premiere Pro and showcase the professional video quality that Adobe Premiere Pro can produce. ABOUT US: Tyler Grant - I am the channel's cameraman. I filmed the videos that we later edited on Premiere Pro and uploaded them to the channel. Chris Heath - I’m one of the editors for this channel along with Aiden, also the guy above doesn't realize we'll probably use a tripod. Aiden Knox - Mediocre video editor with the ability to be entertaining. Can also poorly sing Creed songs. Most talented with Photoshop and probably most energetic.

High Altitude Brands - Fish More, Fish Easier

1 Follower

High Altitude Brands was started out of a passion for fishing in the remotest of places and with backpackers, hikers, and travelers in mind. Started by Todd Welch, Todd loves to fish High Altitude lakes in remote mountain lakes. But he could never find the right fishing equipment to make life easier, so he decided to create the equipment that he would need. Like you, we wanted fishing equipment that was easy to take with us yet strong and durable because if you are in the middle of nowhere and your equipment breaks you do not have the option to run to the store and get a replacement. To make things even better, we know that a fishing kid makes a good kid, so when you buy High Altitude Brand fishing equipment a percentage of proceeds go toward getting more kids out fishing. High Altitude Brands will partner with and hold fishing outings for kids where they will receive High Altitude Brand fishing rods and be shown how to use them and we will get them out fishing.