Equity IS Freedom

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The definition of Equity is "justice according to natural law" and we are dedicated to helping people see through the deceptions and control-mechanisms imbedded within systems that we have been conditioned to accept as "normal". What lies beneath slogans and talking points are often manipulation tactics speaking directly to our real human needs for acceptance and inclusion through the use of hypnotic language patterns and color-of-truth: lies by omission, authority, and odious outright lies repeated often so that public perception accepts them as truth. We are calling out what seems fair on the surface but is actually foul! Ingrid and Dr. Kay are recorded Massachusetts State Nationals on land and soil, working actively with Assembly to rebuild our original government, which was always meant to be the checks and balances to the de facto regime. The principles of diversity and acceptance, being in Service-to-others are fundamental to their energy healing practices/