2,499 Followersovertime
96 FollowersBoundlessLoveLightHealingCenter
90 FollowersOverseer
83 FollowersThe word of YAH
58 FollowersTruth Love Light
39 FollowersMystery School Teachings
Soul Fire Ascension With Raven and Lisa Lovelight
37 FollowersMirror Mirror on the wall can you tell us the truth of it all. Welcome to Soul Fire Ascension with Raven and Jessamy As children we are not responsible for the programming we received, however as adults it is our responsibility to unlearn what we have learned and discover the real truth. It is our goal to awaken and activate others by deconstructing the programming. Expose others to different modalities of healing arts and education of ancient beliefs as well as new ones. Helping others realize who they are. helping others to connect with their higher selves and realize the God or Goddess dwells within us all. To reveal to the collective, source and the laws of one. To help others realize that we are self-healing. To help others to walk a path of beauty and love. When we heal ourselves, we heal our ancestors and future generations. Please share and subscribe and don’t miss out !
26 FollowersLearning and Find Income Methods in Crypto (airdrops, private sales, faucets and microcaps)
16 FollowersVideos of Commercial Fishing on the Fishing Vessel OVERTIME
15 Followersstevielovelight
14 FollowersDaisyyoga Lovelife
13 FollowersYoga, Health, Motherhood
Love Life & Politics
12 FollowersChannel where we talk about everything, especially politics and current events
10 Followersovertimes
6 FollowersSusan and Kassandra
5 FollowersKassandra, speaking through Susan Ashley, is a spiritual representative of the universal feminine. She is part of the white and blue councils and speaks on behalf of them as a consciousness. She does not call herself a master, as to do so would insinuate hierarchy, which is not in alignment with her message that we are all equally co-creating. Spreading a message of hope and love for the planet, Kassandra empowers us to remember who we are, why we are here and what we personally can do to co-create a planet of peace and love through clear intentions and right action. So far her message has been through personal readings and groups in Australia, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia and Netherlands. However, now she is keen to widen the word through the use of technology. Despite having independent successful careers, Susan (Psychotherapist) and her husband Jani (Lawyer) have agreed to open their lives to the service of this message. This was our old youtube channel to which we have no longer access:
5 FollowersOvertimeHustlin
4 FollowersLiving Love & Light
4 FollowersA place for spiritual seekers
4 FollowersEntrainment
3 FollowersFunn and entertainment
love,life,live,entertainment, Funny Videos, animals video,funny news,love news,Dream life uk people’s.
3 FollowersLove Life: Created by Sam Boyd. With Anna Kendrick, Zoe Chao, Peter Vack, Sasha Compère. Anna Kendrick stars in a fresh take on a romantic comedy anthology ...
Overtime with TJ
2 FollowersСеријалот "Overtime with TJ" со Јовица Симоновски. Overtime е шоу каде што ќе ви ги дадеме сите информации за најважните натпревари во неделата. Шоу кое ќе ги забележи предностите и слабостите на секој тим и шоу кое ќе ви ги прикаже клучните играчи кои треба да се забележат. Што да се гледа? Што да очекуваме? Вести ... Трачеви ... И многу повеќе од тоа! Едноставно шоу, кое ве подготвува за натпреварите од најинтересните фудбалски лиги во Светот. _______________________________________ The series "Overtime with TJ" with Jovica Simonovski. Overtime is a show where we will give you all the information about the most important matches of the week. A show that will highlight each team's strengths and weaknesses and a show that will show you the key players to watch out for. What to watch? What should we expect? News ... Gossip ... And much more! A simple show that prepares you for the matches of the most interesting football leagues in the world.
Love Life Film
2 FollowersLOve and LIfe
2 FollowersRomantic comedy anthology series about the journey from first love to lasting love, and how the people we're with along the way make us into who we are when we
2 FollowersThis channel is for everyone who likes to improve their mood, enjoyable watching
2 FollowersVaried channel suitable for all ages
1 Followerlovelife0247
1 Followerlovelighttheotherside
1 Followertarot card readings.
Love Life!
1 FollowerLets make being holy a cool thing
1 FollowerLoveiferomancedrama
1 FollowerThis is a very unique channel here you can see world's most famous TV drama like Turkish aword winning drama, I drama Thailand drama Indian drama and many more movies
1 FollowerLovelife444
1 FollowerOvertime86
1 FollowerLove Life
1 FollowerRelationship advisor 🥀🦋