498 FollowersReginaAngelorumPress
190 FollowersRegina Angelorum Press Inc. is pleased to bring you Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Crusade. Website: Prayer Intentions: Prayer Booklet: Contribute: Everyday at 12 noon Eastern Time, and then every hour throughout the next 24 hours, Catholics throughout the world unite in praying the Holy Rosary together. To date, Catholics from Israel, Uganda, Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the US, Canada, Mexico, Dominica, Hawaii, Chile, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, India, Indonesia, as well as other countries, have been joining in prayer.
Międzynarodowe Radio Białoruś
167 FollowersReginaAngelorumPress
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5 FollowersMedia Edit, News Channel, Live
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2 FollowersGaming Infotainment | Don't Make Content, Make Memories | Twitch, Youtube, and EveOnline Partner | John 16:33