About I am Mat Armstrong from Leicester UK. Follow me as i build & modify cars. I dont really specialise in any manufacture of car, neither am i professionally trained, just a regular guy winging it as i go along restoring each car with my own personal touch (even if that means getting the angle grinder out) I hope my content brings a smile to your face and maybe inspires you to get on the spanners yourself. There would be no point in me listing what car i own at the moment as i switch and change so often, but you are likely to see Audi's, Mercedes, VW, Maserati's, Bentleys & more. I do like German engineering but im not scared to give the others a try 😆 At the end of the day im here for a good time & never take things too seriously so enjoy!! Mat Armstrong

A Life After Layoff Verified


A Life After Layoff is here to help you get back on your feet after a sudden (or planned) loss of income. Whether you've been caught up in a reduction in force, a business closure, or simply not happy with where your career is, ALAL is for you. We'll discuss all sorts of things from career advice, interviewing skills, how to sell yourself to employers, budgeting like a pro, and learning how to make yourself layoff-proof through multiple streams of income! I'm a recruiter, HR Professional, and hiring authority for the past 20 years, working for some of the world's largest and most well-respected companies, including Amazon, FedEx, ABB, Ford Motors, and more. My mission is to peel back the curtain on major hiring processes to give you the best chance of getting noticed by recruiters, navigate the hiring gauntlet and ultimately land your dream job. Be sure to subscribe to get all the latest career tips and be sure to visit my website! *email for business inquiries only.

The Ring Of Fire


The Ring of Fire started as a weekly syndicated radio show in 2004 for the purpose of exposing Wall Street thugs, environmental criminality, corporate media failure, and political back stories that you will rarely find from any other source. Since its formation, Ring of Fire has expanded into a multi-media outlet for the latest Progressive news, commentary and analysis. Mike Papantonio hosts the weekly America's Lawyer program which appears exclusively on this channel, and Farron Cousins hosts daily segments with political news in addition to the weekly Ring of Fire Podcast.

The Song of Ffraed


I came to discover that what I thought was an "earth energy", a "dragon", as dowsers and geomancers call them, is, in fact, even more profound than I ever contemplated. In February 2023, She revealed to me, She is the Holy Spirit, and that this project, "The Ffraed Project", is one of "Rectification" - putting things right, making things better. Every reader and viewer who genuinely feels Her energy, will surely take an abiding interest. In spirit, they are joining with the paramount project of our Age. With us always, have been Christ; always, and sometimes, there have been other approved companions in body and spirit too. I can’t remember now the actual date I took my first step with them on this journey, but it was in 2016, at a holy well, in north Pembrokeshire. Her Holy Well. She introduced Herself as Ffraed and manifested a silhouette of Herself on a flat stone, in the chamber. I’d seen Her before, in white, in spirit, here and at St. Non’s Holy Well, but I didn’t know who She was then. As Ffraed, I didn’t know the half either, not till February 2023.

Kącik Vlogowy


Witaj w "Kąciku Vlogowym"! 🌟 Tutaj dzielę się z Wami kawałkami mojego życia, podróżami, fascynującymi miejscami w Manchesterze i Krakowie, a także ciekawymi historiami z różnych zakątków świata. Jestem Piotr, entuzjasta foto-video, ciekawy świata, ciekawy życia. Odkrywajcie ze mną uroki Manchesteru, miejsca, które uważam za dom, oraz dawne korzenie w Krakowie. Nie zabraknie też fascynujących relacji z podróży i wyjątkowych wydarzeń, które zaszły na mojej drodze. Zapraszam do "Kącika Vlogowego", gdzie każdy film to nowa przygoda, a każdy odcinek to okazja do wspólnego odkrywania świata. Znajdziecie tu nie tylko kawałki mojego życia, ale także inspiracje, refleksje i pozytywną energię. Zapraszam Was do świata pełnego ciekawych historii, uśmiechu i niezapomnianych chwil. Subskrybujcie, aby być na bieżąco z najnowszymi filmami, i dołączcie do społeczności, gdzie podróżujemy razem przez życie! Dziękuję za wsparcie i do zobaczenia w kolejnym filmie! 🌍✨

Interesting Engineering


Engineering is more than machinery and code. It’s intricate mechanisms that, when perfectly assembled, come together to create something astounding. Over ten years ago, Interesting Engineering was founded to help readers uncover these finely woven systems — to help them better understand what makes things tick. Our mission was to use innovative storytelling to highlight the enthralling inner workings of the latest scientific breakthroughs, technological innovations, cultural phenomena, and more. Today, we still stand by that mission. We don’t just bring you breaking news. We uncover the mechanisms that make these developments possible, transforming how you see the world of today to ensure you’re prepared for the world of tomorrow.