

Hi, I'm Markiplier. I make videos. From quality content to meme-able garbage, from scary games to full-on interactive movies you'll find it all. You will, actually. I have over 5000 videos so I'm sure there's something you'd like. Maybe you like horror games, or funny games, or comedy sketches, or animations, or compilations, or reactions, or reviews, or challenges, or cryptic lore, or mind-crippling ennui, or stuff-that-is-guaranteed-to-probably-make-you-cry? Whatever you're into I'm sure there's something for you down in the briny deep of my video page. So why not dive in? Or don't. Life is yours to choose after all.

Ellie Renee


Hello beautiful people. If you already know who I am welcome to my new space, if this is the first time be sure to give me a like and subscribe. Want to see more of me and my uncensored content - 👉 Find me on X - Find me on IG - Find me on Tik Tok - If you are looking to collaborate with me and want me to promote your business, email me here.



Welcome to Lisa Beauty Atelier ! Your go-to for Beauty, Makeup, Lifestyle, and Motivation! 💄✨ Explore the latest beauty trends, expert tips, and lifestyle hacks to enhance your everyday. Elevate your style with fashion insights and wellness rituals. Need a boost? Dive into our motivational quotes for daily inspiration. Subscribe for a community that celebrates beauty, style, and personal growth. Join us for Live sessions where beauty meets lifestyle, and motivation sparks your journey. ✨💖 #beauty #makeup #lifestyle #motivation Make Up Magic

Réfléchir et Agir Libre


Visiteur unique ou abonné (in)fidèle - Bienvenue Tu trouveras ici : - Des vidéos inédites à regarder et garder pour tes petits enfants & pour l'Histoire - Des actualités (toujours fraîches même en été) - De l'information (pas toujours d'actualité mais en rapport souvent) - Du questionnement (pour se questionner) - De l'analyse (sans avoir à utiliser le petit gobelet) - De l'humour (à 37°C) Tu ne trouveras pas ici : - D'appels à la violence, à la haine, à un numéro surtaxé - De complotisme, de satanisme, de transhumanisme, et tout un tas de mots qui finissent en .isme - De développement personnel pour être champion en développé/couché - De conseils "beauté" pour concurrencer Loana - De conseils "minceur" ...idem - De formations pour devenir riche en 72h avec seulement 2€ d'apport, le tout pour 49€ tout rond au lieu de 1699,99€ (promotion à durée illimitée pendant 2h) Tu as lu jusqu'ici ? Alors j'espère que tu t'es abonné, activé les notifs & blablabla... Be ReAL

Vibre Positive


Imagine if you were happy every day? And if I tell you that you are responsible for your happiness! On the channel you will find guided meditations, positive affirmations, prayers and many other things designed to bring you inner balance and achieve the transformation and happiness you desire. Count on us on this path of self-knowledge and happiness. Immerse yourself in the world of your consciousness and experience your life from a new perspective. Feel relaxation, vitality, sleep, regeneration and more anytime, anywhere. The Vibre Positivo channel offers an efficient and stimulating listening session to change your consciousness. Try it now! Mental Reorganization, Prosperity, Positive Affirmation, Millionaire's Mind and various other topics. Channel about mental reprogramming during sleep. Try listening while meditating, studying and/or especially while sleeping.