Mountain Rug Cleaning Verified


Hi I'm James This channel is all about finding the rugs no one else wants, restoring them back to their former glory and giving them to people who need and appreciate them. Normally the rugs come from disposal centres or people who have discarded the rugs outside. I will also clean anyone's rug that has been neglected but is wanted to be professionally cleaned to be used again. If you have a neglected rug that you would like professionally cleaned for FREE, please get in touch with you location and pictures of the rug to - Happy viewing James

Cleanse Heal Ignite Podcast & Interviews Verified


Welcome to the Cleanse Heal Ignite Ministry, hosting the Doc Talk Podcast, Interviews with Dr Diane Kazer and more! Dr. Diane created the Cleanse, Heal, Ignite Holistic Health Ministry and Warrior Detox Program, certifying coaches and teaching patients to activate their intuition to self heal, empowering them with life-long tools to reverse auto-immune disease, breast implant illness, hormonal imbalances, chronic pain, gut infections, emotional trauma and perfectionism through functional medicine labs, custom detox and mastering mindset. Author of Killer Breasts, creator of the Explant Solution, producer of the Non Toxic Beauty Summit and Ickonics 10 part ‘Dying to be Beautiful’ Docuseries’. Her mission is to inspire you to embrace your natural inner and outer beauty and God Given gifts, shedding the S.H.I.T. that releases you to Live your Best Life with love, laughter and liberation.” Dr. Jack is an Alternative Medical Doctor who provides custom and effective solutions for the body and mind using a three-step strategic approach based on key pillars such as nutrition, exercise, and herbs & whole food supplements. Dr. Jack’s journey began long ago, rooted in a lifelong passion for wellness and a desire to help everyone around him lead a healthier lifestyle. He understands the path to wellness because he has faced similar struggles. From a skinny-fat, broken-brained kid, Dr. Jack transformed himself into an author, pro-drug-free bodybuilder, motivational speaker, and Doctor. He firmly believes that if he could achieve this transformation, others can do it as well. While his practice focuses on health and wellness, Dr. Jack believes there’s another dimension with unlimited potential—the ability to deliver a message of empowerment. He aims to show everyone that they can live a better life if they put their hearts and minds into it. Dr. Jack’s goal is to inspire his clients to gain courage and motivate them to pursue a better and healthier future, enabling them to become who they are meant to be and do what they are meant to do. His drive and dedication have fueled this dream from the start. Every single day, Dr. Jack strives to put his best effort forward, working closely with his valued patients. He helps them meet their nutritional needs, achieve fitness goals, and find confidence in themselves, improving their lifestyle and habits, one day at a time. He holds a Doctorate and Ph.D. in Natural Medicine from Quantum University, an M.S. in Applied Clinical Nutrition from New York State Chiropractic, and a B.S. from Empire State College. He is a Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner and has received certifications from the Society of Wellness Functional Herbal Therapy and Cancer, ACE as a Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and Weight Management Specialist, as well as Expert Rating Sports Nutrition. Additionally, Dr. Jack is a NESTA Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and a WELCOA Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist.



Welcome to ATHLEAN-X™ on Rumble! This is where you can find all the latest FREE workouts, nutrition and training advice to get you on your way to a healthy, leaner, more muscular, athletic body by training like an athlete. Learn from the physical therapist and strength coach Jeff Cavaliere, exactly what he does with his professional athlete and celebrity clients. Put the science back in strength to build muscle, keep your muscles and joints healthy and to improve your overall athleticism. Subscribe for free weekly workouts. If you want to look like an've got to train like an athlete! Now you can with the ATHLEAN-X™ workouts here on YouTube! Send Pro Athlete / Celebrity Training Requests to: Rules of Conduct: This channel is for those looking to learn. Period. No racism/hate speech. No inciting/spreading drama. No advertising or self-promotion of any kind.

Bible and a bicycle.


Join us here at Bible and a Bicycle as we explore the why, what, and how of thrifted Bibles, Bible translations, and bicycles. I regularly share my favorite thrifty Bible finds with you. You'll also see my favorite bicycle hacks and lifestyle tips as well as fan-edits showcasing some of my favorite teachers, preachers, scholars and theologians that I throw together at least a few times a week in hopes of encouraging one another to open up and study the Bible for ourselves. There was times when the only thing that I had in life was a Bible and a Bicycle. Blessings and shalom! ✌️❤️🙏

Possible DUMB/tunnel cleanouts


I decided to start documenting places in my area that I suspect are being dug up/excavated because they've been used for child trafficking. I'm using my intuition, as well as information I have heard from trafficking survivors, and people involved with rescuing, to guide me in this process.Some of these videos are screen recordings and others are footage of the area when I'm on foot. In the videos I make comments too that will help you be more aware of what to look for in your communities. The more aware we all are of how these heinous activities have gone on, the better off we all are. Most importantly, the more protected our children can be.