John Lamb Lash


This channel is set up exclusively to showcase the work of John Lamb Lash, author of Not In His Image: Nemeta, the School of Sophianic Arts and Sciences, is the on-line portal to a range of experimental learning paths based on the legacy of mythologist and visionary teacher John Lamb Lash. Organized thematically in 16 learning paths, the School offers a rich and diverse array of material for “adult education,†customized to meet the challenges of Kali Yuga. Drawing upon the lineage of the Mystery Schools, Nemeta presents Gnosis in a novel iteration, grounded in the sacred narrative of the wisdom goddess Sophia, the plenary sovereign intelligence of the living earth.



проповеди, ислям, islam, İslam, Müslüman, BG, Allah, Muhammed АБОНИРАЙТЕ СЕ ! Ние сме RE:TV HD Ако сте пропуснали ! Каналът е с 100 % Българско участие ! НЕ Изнасяме Капитали в Чужбина ! Подпомагнете малките медий а не централните който са спонсорирани от държавата и други страни. Подкрепете ни като се Абонирате за канала ! Лекцийте който представяме са събрани от достоверни източници за достовереноста и истиността им носят съответните автори RE:TV HD не се ангжира със авторство (с изключение на авторски) или който и да е друг начин със показването ! Не Всички видеа са актуални Ние сме ре тв / повтаряме нови и стари / Предаваме лекцийте каквито са Нямаме намерение да Ви убеждаваме да преимате Религията ! За истинността на видеата носят техните автори ! Коментарите в канала изразяват личното мнение на потребителите и може да не съвпада с позициите на ретв. SUBSCRIBE ! We are RE:TV HD In case you missed it! The channel has 100% Bulgarian participation! We do NOT export capital abroad! Support the small media and not the central ones that are sponsored by the state and other countries. Support us by subscribing to the channel! Comments in the channel express the personal opinion of users and may not coincide with the positions of retv. RETV RePlay ReView TV Канала е собственост на РЕТВ ! This Chanel is property of RETV !



I am a Bible believing Christian who is looking to learn of and Reveal the Lamb of God, the channel seeks to study the Bible, discuss current events, learn how to grow in Jesus Christ and help others find Him through Bible study. Join us as we seek to learn about Jesus Christ so we can Reveal the Lamb of God. John 14:6 KJV Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Giving Glory to God—To give glory to God is to reveal His character in our own, and thus make Him known. And in whatever way we make known the Father or the Son, we glorify God (Manuscript 16, 1890). {7BC 979.4} For any comments or questions please email me and may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.