The Masters Mahan Podcast


✨A REMASTERED version of the original Masters Mahan Podcast, created by Thomas Wolfe - The REMASTERED Project takes the original audio only podcast episodes and turns them into visual presentations & videos for additional comments, and visuals✨ 📝Show Notes / About📝 Something very strange is going on. People from all walks of life and from every corner of the world feel it. Something is wrong! It is the intention of this short podcast to enter into the darker side of human history with the hope that it might be “a guidebook” to what is happening now and to what has happened to get us here. We can’t promise that it won’t be blunt, disturbing, and world shattering, but we can promise that it will be the truth; at least as much of the truth that can be gleaned from the maze of lies meant to disguise it. When you do feel like your foundation is made of sand, remember the words of Jesus Christ when He said, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” 🔞MATURE CONTENT / TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering. If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing. ⚠️Series Created by Thomas Wolfe - ⚠️ ✅Series Reuploaded /w Express Permission of the Author & Also Covered Under Fair Use✅ ⚠️FAIR USE CLAIM⚠️ We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode. 🚫This podcast is not monetized by neither me nor Thomas Wolfe, these episodes will remain ad-free and available to all - This mission is about spreading awareness, not monetary gain💵 ⚠️NOTICE⚠️ Anyone wishing to use this episode in whole or in part is free to do so. We only ask that you provide some link or reference back to the source - As these episodes [REMASTERED] are used freely as authorized by the author, the remastered episodes are also free to be used by anyone wishing to do so. The only requirements to do so are 1) A link & attribution to THOMAS WOLFE ( 2) A link back to this channel

Life In Bamboo - Thailand


Hi everyone, welcome to our YouTube channel, we are a loving family that live in Bamboo Huts in Rural Thailand. Damo (me), Ryan (my husband), and Otis (Our Son) spend our days taking care of the land and the animals and enjoying each others company. ​ We have opted for a simpler lifestyle, and living in "The Now". On the vlog we will show you what it is like to live in Rural Thailand, details on plants we grow on our land, and most importantly our honest and authentic selves, the good, the bad and the ugly.



CANAL DE INFORMAÇÕES | GRUPO DE ESTUDOS | CLUBE DO LIVRO | MENTORIA CONSERVADORA. Dra. Thaís Muquici é Vice-Presidente do IIPEP - Instituto Internacional dos Presos e Exilados Políticos, especialista em direito militar, do consumidor, pós graduada em direito civil e processo civil pela UNIFLU, pós graduada em direito penal e processo penal pela LFG, tendo feito inúmeros cursos como atualização do CPC, cálculos trabalhistas, cursos preparatórios para delegado estadual e federal, juiz, promotor e defensor.