La Quinta Columna


La Quinta Columna es un espacio para el libre pensamiento ... Un espacio para la investigación, análisis, ciencia, opinión, entrevistas de toda la actualidad .. En esta comunidad tienen cabida todas aquellas personas interesadas tanto en los temas actuales, como en una visión alternativa de la realidad que nos ofrecen los MASS MEDIA ... Somos un canal en continua expansión y crecimiento .. Un canal dinámico y abierto a todas las hipótesis para encontrar explicación plausible a la mayoría de fenómenos que tienen lugar en nuestra Sociedad usando como arma principal el método científico, pero no obviando otras hipótesis e ideas propias del PENSAMIENTO LIBRE ... Entra ya a formar parte de nuestra Comunidad y aporta con tus comentarios .. Tu opinión nos importa .. TE ESPERAMOS!!



BEK News is a unique local platform for shows that feature Real People delivering Real News, thoughts and opinions. See more at These programs showcase the views and opinions of the show hosts and cater to a wide variety of demographics. We give a voice to respected North Dakota personalities who are thought leaders. You won't find any talking heads or teleprompters here. Visit our show pages to learn more about the hosts, and view full episodes on the archives at anytime.

Straight Talk With America's Sheriff David Clarke


America's Sheriff David Clarke tells it like it is on his STRAIGHT TALK Podcast. Clarke takes on many different controversial issues including race, law and order, politics and more. Get ready for a good dose of common sense! SUPPORT PODCAST/JOIN VIP CLUB (free mug, coffee sample & invites to private podcast events & more): Straight Talk With America's Sheriff David Clarke | podcast | Patreon Join at: Request Sponsorship/Endorsement Opportunity Package Information: SPONSORS: Blue Line Roasting Co. Bulldog TV - The Edgiest Most Hard Hitting Conservative Site CLARKE ( USE PROMO CODE: CLARKE For Booking Info or Media Requests: Judy L Wilkinson, | (706)518-2116

Anonymous Pacifist: le chemin vers la vérité


Nous sommes à l\\\'aube de grands changements, nous sommes à la croisée des chemins ! Aussi, ma chaîne est une contribution à l\\\'information et à l\\\\\\\'éveil de nos concitoyens. Quels types de vidéos ? Je relaie parfois certaines vidéos issues d\\\\\\\'autres lanceurs d\\\'alerte. Je compose des vidéos montrant et démontrant la véracité de mes propos. Je fabrique des documentaires de bonne qualité pour amener la réflexion plus facilement et pour reprogrammer nos cerveaux Anonymous Pacifist...

Lark Davis Verified


Hi! I'm Lark! I'm a Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and stock investor with years of experience making consistent profits in this market. I created this channel to help you learn about cryptocurrency investing so you can diversify your portfolio, grow your wealth, and make money. Check out my courses and newsletter if you are new to crypto! FREE Wealth Mastery newsletter, beginner guides, and courses. For all media inquiries For all sponsorship requests