Progressive Truth Seekers


Progressive Truth Seekers believes in a rational philosophy, a humanist approach, which endorses prosocial values such as compassion, fairness, individual freedom and dignity, and belief in human progress and potential. Accordingly, we reject bigotry, casteism, oppression, exploitation, and other regressive sociopolitical attitudes. The goal is to share information to empower societies for the benefit and support of common people any where and every where in the world... Any help would truly be appreciated! Please! BUY ME A COFFEE



一個絕對代表自由的頻道。 A channel that stands absolutely for FREEDOM. 在此我們揭露台灣所沾染的無稽之談和瘋狂。敵人來自內部,是那些千方百計製造社會衝突和動亂的建制政客,他們用謊言和不切實際的承諾來愚弄不同的社會群體。 Here we expose the non-sense and insanity that Taiwan has been contaminated with.The enemies are from within, the establishment politicians that try by all means to create social conflict and unrest by fooling different social groups with their falsehoods and impractical promises.

Fortress Comics


Welcome to the Fortress Comics YouTube Channel. Here at Fortress Comics we do many different things including, but not limited to, creating Podcasts, Video's tailored for YouTube, and make comics. You can find our weekly podcasts here or over at . You can find our comics on Comixology at And you can sign up for our news letter at Thank you for checking out the content and we hope you enjoy