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Govvi My Cell Micro Encapsulation Technology Nutrition Developed By Swiss Scientists Verified


The Science Behind PureCell™ Technology PureCell™ technology revolutionizes the way in which your body receives vital nutrients. Our clinically-proven droplet structure is engineered to provide targeted, maximum absorption of essential ingredients at a cellular level. We start with a pure, nutrient-rich compound, called the Core, which is then protected by a dynamic Shell. The Shell shields the Core from digestive fluids, allowing for water-solubility and optimal nutrient absorption. The synergistic relationship between Core and Shell ensures each PureCell™ droplet’s effectiveness and targeted delivery to maximize the absorption of vital nutrients. This optimal delivery system means that the benefits of Electi's products are experienced faster and more efficiently. Additionally, the lower dosage needed to achieve these benefits also means that each dose you take is more economical and valuable. The Advantages of PureCell™ Technology In a clinical bioavailability study, PureCell™ products proved superior to traditional essential oil formats. Our product achieved peak concentration up to five times faster than traditional oils, and with a higher concentration of metabolites in plasma after seven times faster uptake. These results mean that you can rely on PureCell™ technology to achieve maximum efficacy and bioavailability that keeps working for you long after taking our product.