Welcome To Laughing At The Clown World Matrix. This channel is a place for the sane to get together and laugh at the crazy of our realm. There will be regular live streams and the occasional panel discussion of what's going on out there. Please subscribe and if you'd like to get notified of when the channel goes live don't forget to hit the bell for all notifications. Once Additional Stream Slots Become Available From Rumble This Channel Will Go Live Regularly. Thank You For Your Patience Everyone & Hope To See You Soon.

An Ancient World


A 'Spiritual Journey' through the senses of ancient clown. I was conceived in the East and flew threw the air as the Lightening flashes through the sky to be born in the West...the 'Sign of Jonah' & 'Glory of the Olive'. Called by GOD i left the world of Man decades ago to learn to 'Walk in the Way' as Christ taught and journeyed to meet GOD and discover my reason for and now. I returned with a message and have been walking among you for decades only to be ignored and censored...Recognize the 'Sign of Jonah' as Christ warned. End your 'War of the Poor' and Surrender to GOD & LAW...Learn to 'Walk in the Way' as Christ taught.