Jamesons Travels Verified


JT was a Marine for over twenty years and had seen his fair share of action. He served with honor, never wavering from his dedication to the United States of America and its military. Now that he's retired, he has taken up a new mission: exposing stolen valor, woke ideology in the military, as well as some of the fun and crazy things that happen too! Through his Rumble and Locals channels dedicated solely to these topics, Jameson offers an honest take on what goes on behind closed doors - something only those who have been there can fully understand. He speaks openly about issues such as recruitment tactics used by recruiters at times or experiences veterans have when they first transition out of active duty service. But it isn't all serious topics; Jameson also shares stories from overseas deployments where fellow Marines did hilarious pranks or amazing feats which deserve recognition. So if you're looking for real talk about current events in the military landscape - or want to hear some funny stories from combat vets - then subscribe to Jameson's Travels today!

James Bartley


James Bartley’s abduction experiences from childhood onwards led him to thoroughly research the abduction phenomena. This resulted in his studying military history, with an emphasis on intelligence, counterintelligence, and special operations, amongst other related subjects such as corporate, intelligence, financial, and political aspects of the new world order and the globalist agenda. He also had done ample research into the realms of the occult, all of which are part and parcel of what he refers to as the Reptilian Overlordship. Though a broader term may be the Regressives’ Overlordship, as it is by no means Reptilians only that cast their dark agenda on Earth’s humanity that, for reasons that are only beginning to emerge, is of interest to just about every race of beings in the Multiverse of All There Is.