Hike Camp Climb Verified


Hike Camp Climb is a byproduct of my journey to find physical and mental healing after a hard-won battle with substance abuse. I turned to mountain climbing as a way of challenging myself and getting healthy again. As I started collecting gear for my first climb, I decided it would be smart to test it on flat ground first. So, I headed to the forest for my first solo winter camping trip and decided to record it while I was there. That video launched Hike Camp Climb and started me on the biggest adventure of my life! The mountains give me peace and a way to focus my energy into something positive. The goal of Hike Camp Climb is to share that peace and inspire others to get outdoors and start an adventure of their own!

Turnwright Gallery features Rush Limbaugh art and music


Doug Henry was the "Official Limbaugh Letter Cover Illustrator" from 1997-2004. In 7 years he illustrated 70 covers for Rush Limbaugh's newsletter. In addition to his Limbaugh Letter art, this channel also features his political songwriting. Many of the themes in his songs were inspired through all the many years he spent painting while listening to Rush's radio show. You may view all the Rush paintings and purchase art prints at his website: www.turnwrightgallery.com