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Unashamed with Tim Helms


Empowering you to live out your faith UNASHAMED! Many people struggle in their relationship with Christ. They feel lost, longing for growth but unsure of how. 'UNASHAMED with Tim Helms', a YouTube Channel and Podcast, helps people deepen their faith and understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith. With nearly 40 years following Christ and 35 years in ministry, Tim understands these struggles. Through inspiring Bible study and interviews, he provides guidance to fellow believers on the journey. Many seek a deeper understanding of the Bible but feel overwhelmed. 'UNASHAMED' offers clear guidance and fosters a supportive community. Subscribers gain confidence in their faith and embrace the gospel boldly so they can live unashamed of the gospel! With a Doctor of Ministry in Theology and Apologetics, Tim loves to help others grow in their relationship with the Lord. Subscribe, listen, and join the community—take steps toward transformation and live unashamed of the gospel